The Uses of certain plugins (besides the usual ones)


Sep 24, 2007
I saw in panicroom videos (and others)
the use of a de-esser (im not really sure but i think its the Waves one)
on a kick drum , snare , Bass and the overheads

and the use of a Gate in the Snare to get rid of the "ring"

So i wanna know in wich cases do you use a de-esser ,gate or whatever other plugins besides their usual uses
and if you do... what settings or tips do you have.


Thanks for the info
i use a transient designer on room mics and turn the attack DOWN and the sustain UP, makes the room sound better.
also use a deesser on snare to pull out some hi hat
A lot of people use AutoTune to get a vocoder effect. Not it's intended use. (I fucking hate it)

I use bit crushing for vocal distortion, can't think of anything else weird I do.
Gate the room mics and sidechain to open when the snare hits. I don't do that too often.
not really a plug in per se, but in Logic, I'll usually use the mono channel EQ preset "Female Vocal 02" on my vocals. I wish they hadn't named it that. I've used a number of guitar-oriented distortions on vocals, but that might be sort of commonplace, not sure.

People have said not to, but I don't see a problem with taking guitars that had a cab sim on them (like sansamp) and then running them through a cab impulse again.
A lot of people use AutoTune to get a vocoder effect. Not it's intended use.

i use a transient designer on room mics and turn the attack DOWN and the sustain UP, makes the room sound better.
also use a deesser on snare to pull out some hi hat

use these tips all the time, and hate autotune as well!!!!

automating and gating delays for a pretty choppy effect is one of my favorites!! set to a really fast attack time and automate the threshold to the desired effect...
i use a transient designer on room mics and turn the attack DOWN and the sustain UP, makes the room sound better.

Very neat, will try that on the upcoming rock project I have lined up in two weeks!

oh yeah , sometimes but a time adjuster delay on room tracks to give it a bit more predelay.