The Video for "The Northern Cold" is now online!

I don't remember seeing that picture in the music video... lawl

As far as crazy faces go, Devin Townsend ranks pretty high. I'll see if I can get a decent picture
'Nuff saId.

My avatar has been the same since 2004, and that picture was taken in 2002 when I was in University and in my prime. "I may never change it" is not near as true of a statement as "It may never change". ...:u-huh:

Besides, though I don't necessarily care for hate in black metal, I hate any humour about black metal. Yeah, yeah, everyone has seen those old Immortal videos from 10 years ago... But it takes away from what we're trying to do here. In fact, lyrics to a song from 'Woods 3' do border on my thoughts towards this issue.

Serious and real attemps to create something genuine and powerfull will always crush a cheap laughs and bullshit.