The Video for "The Northern Cold" is now online!

Serious and real attemps to create something genuine and powerfull will always crush a cheap laughs and bullshit.

Glad you pointed that out. I was planning on doing so, having read halfway through this thread. Kids... :Smug:

So on a serious note; I very much enjoyed this video and hope it will be available for public viewing in higher quality, soon. Maybe we can work something out on a small scale, David. I'll be in touch about that, as well.

Oh yeah, and I still like the old Immortal videos, too. Screw everyone who criticizes them - you just have to take them for what they are. Abbath and his peers know how serious they are about it, and if other metalheads can't figure it out, it's their bad.
I never cared much for people talking crap of their (supposedly) own while they just let the Timberlakes of this world do what they do. Poking fun of something is way easier than actually doing something yourself, of course.
So there.
Abbath and his peers know how serious they are about it, and if other metalheads can't figure it out, it's their bad.

Actually ZT interviewed them last issue and it's quite the opposite. Direct quote from Abbath on the Immortal photoshopping - "Haha, they're fucking hilarious. You've got to have self-irony you know? If you don't have that, you have nothing. You can't take yourself too fucking seriously." Apparently the band used to shove on full corpsepaint and sunglasses, then go out drinking in Bergen for a laugh. Funny guy :)

Edit - Meant to say, love the new song. Looking forward to hearing more!
Actually ZT interviewed them last issue and it's quite the opposite. Direct quote from Abbath on the Immortal photoshopping - "Haha, they're fucking hilarious. You've got to have self-irony you know? If you don't have that, you have nothing. You can't take yourself too fucking seriously." Apparently the band used to shove on full corpsepaint and sunglasses, then go out drinking in Bergen for a laugh. Funny guy :)

In fact that's exactly what I meant when I said "they know how serious they are about it." As in "not very." ;) They do have that "metal is about leather and spikes" thing going for them, and they will never do anything Immortal related without corpse paint, but another one of Abbath's statements is "First of all, it's rock 'n' roll." Or something along those lines, anyway.
I think that pretty much sums it up.

BTW, I remember an interview where Abbath and Demonaz said how they came about the idea of doing something with corpse paint, themselves. It sounded like a gay party in the forest, haha. If you can bring yourself to honestly tell a story like that, you're immediately boosted in my book.
Hmm... I hear what you're saying, but I find it difficult to respect Immortal properly after I saw this.

When I was in Ontario in 2005, I couldn't get over how much the forests there reminded me of Woods of Ypres. It was summer, so there wasn't any snow, but still. I really wished I'd brought more than just, "A Meeting Place and Time" burnt onto one CD.

Awesome song, awesome video.
Hey David, I went to go watch this video today and it was gone, is there any reason you took it down? I tried following the link in the main post and it says "this video is private".
Featuring epic diving into water scene!

Only question... what song? "By The Time You Read This" I'm gonna guess. :kickass: :rock: