The Walking Dead (TV and comics) - Potential Spoilers


I want stout!
Aug 18, 2009
Chicago, IL weeks episode is going to be intense.

Any thoughts on Season 3 so far? I'm pretty damn impressed and have been on the edge of my seat the whole season.

Also, just ordered some trade paperbacks so I can get caught up on the comics. I've read through vol. 14 (carl gets his eye blow out at the end).
I am up to trade number 16. 17 is out next month I think. Such a great comic and I am glad they finally got the steam going with the show....last season was so hard to watch with how dull it was.
I've loved season three so far. Last night's episode was great, especially relying more on suspense than sheer violence and gore (not that I mind that). Next episode is going to be insane.
Yeah she is so badass in the comics but in the show she is the new Lori. As in the character I'm rooting for to get killed. It is still young in the storyline so people can change. I thought they made her too old to act like the character in the comics.
Sunday's episode was pretty good, but I did feel like it kept my interest the least because outside of the interrogations, there wasn't a whole lot that actually went on. It was more set up for next week, which is going to be insane. At least one major character will get the axe I'm thinking.
Yeah she is so badass in the comics but in the show she is the new Lori. As in the character I'm rooting for to get killed. It is still young in the storyline so people can change. I thought they made her too old to act like the character in the comics.

I've all but given up on the show being connected to the comics. I mean, Darryl isn't even in the comics and he's probably the show's best character.
The just casted a great actor for Tyresse. he was on the Wire and is a perfect choice. I am sure it will be nothing to lose your head over though. ahahahahahahaha

haha great stuff.

That is awesome that we will see Tyrese. He was great in the comics.

Speaking of the comics I hope they include the Abraham, Rosita and Eugene plot. That was one of my favorite storylines.
Another small point I am really enjoying is that all the characters are not scared of the "walkers" now. While the first season they would kill any within it is almost like they just ignore them. ALmost how a person would become living in that world.
I did love the fact that AMC spoiled thier own cliffhangers by showing the clips from the next part of the season. I hate when shows do this. Seems like Merle and Daryl make it back to the prison and that causes conflict. Also it seems like the new people that came are going to be cannon fodder for the big show down.

Loved the nod to the comic with that one con asking the girl how old she was. Wonder if they will turn him into that guy in the comics who killed the kids?

Still a great season for a lackluster show.
I did love the fact that AMC spoiled thier own cliffhangers by showing the clips from the next part of the season. I hate when shows do this. Seems like Merle and Daryl make it back to the prison and that causes conflict. Also it seems like the new people that came are going to be cannon fodder for the big show down.

Loved the nod to the comic with that one con asking the girl how old she was. Wonder if they will turn him into that guy in the comics who killed the kids?

Still a great season for a lackluster show.

I think this season turned a lackluster show into something really great.

And spoiler or not, I was just happy to see that Darryl made it out alive.

It's cool to have Tyrese in the series now, though it seems like they've got a strict limit on token black male characters. One new one for every one that dies.
my freind ( who is black ) and I always joke about that. Literally they kill one to replace them with a new one.

I did wish they kept more of the inmates around. It would be cool to see a criminal on the road to redemption in this world.
I also hate spoilers of previews for the next season. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me though as I didn't see those two in them.

I liked the episode, but it didn't meet my expectations.
my freind ( who is black ) and I always joke about that. Literally they kill one to replace them with a new one.

I did wish they kept more of the inmates around. It would be cool to see a criminal on the road to redemption in this world.

They don't seem to just do that with the black characters though. I've noticed from the get-go a lot of times when they get rid of one character or so, almost immediately they're replaced with another.