Comics Thread #2

Sadly, whenever I see John Romita Jr's artwork, I just think of Spider-Man and Avengers and Captain America and all the other Marvel stuff he's done over the years. :lol: I have the same problem with Steve Dillon. I see his art and no matter who, or what it is, I think "Preacher".

i have the exact same problem :lol:
Started reading the Invincible HC vol 2. Half way through it but I couldn't help it.

-First off, I feel so bad for Mrs. Grayson...
-Second, why won't Mark mount Eve already?
-Angstrom kinda reminds me of Morgan...
-Is that a fucking Y The Last Man reference?!
-Fish sex?
-Can Mark please break up with... whatever her name is already? And then mount Eve?

And that's only halfway. This series is amazing.


Scratch that, finished.

-Kate really gets around, doesn't she...
-Poor Rex...
-Nightwing's "partner" is a fucknut
-God damn it Angstrom...
-So much for mounting Eve... at least he got something out of it with Amber?

But yeah, book was great. Loved the Y the Last Man reference... WHERE'S MY FUCKING CLOSURE WITH OMNIMAN?! :lol:
Beginning of the next volume. :p

I love the early issues of Invincible. It's got such a unique feel to it. I loved Amber at first, but after a while she got kind of annoying (For good reason actually. You'll see.) Mark's mom broke my heart too. It was pretty painful to see her fall so hard. You almost never see her without a bottle in her hands. I thought the subplot with Rex and Kate was hilarious. He deserved it, he was a total ass. Later on though, he becomes MUCH cooler.

Also, can you imagine being Cecil during that fish issue?

"CECIL! I'm about to lose my virginity to a FISH!! Help me!!"

Cecil : ....... wut :lol:
Kate is such a whore. :lol: I laughed so hard at the symmetry of her cheating with Rex and on Rex. Allen is fucking awesome, and that only becomes more apparent later on.

I also love the fact that you opted for the hardcovers. They're soooo nice. I have all eight so far. I love the behind the scenes sections at the end.

Get volume three ASAP. :P
Discovered two new comic book shops today. Feel so happy with myself, especially considering that both stores have Vol.3-9 of the Hardcover. Also got Preacher Vol.1 too, so yeah, bonus.

I also love the fact that you opted for the hardcovers. They're soooo nice. I have all eight so far. I love the behind the scenes sections at the end.

I also love some of the introductory notes. Vol 2 is fucking great. "No, I didn't forget about my 50 bucks." :lol:

Get volume three ASAP. :p

Preacher is fucking amazing. Volume one may be a bit intense at first, but it's okay, because it only gets more ridiculous as the series goes on. :lol:
Finished Preacher. I will admit the first... 1/5, maybe 1/4 of the book didn't really interest me. But once it got into the New York story line and things started fleshing out a little more, it started getting enjoyable for me.

And by christ, Grandma must be the scariest fucking I've seen in comic books period. :Puke: Even arseface didn't creep me out as much.

I had never read anything like Preacher when I started it, so the first few issues really shocked me. I'll admit, after finishing it, I was actually queasy for a little while, but the more I thought about it, the more badass I thought it was. Volume two is SO much bigger in scope, you have no idea.

Honestly? I think that it's tied with Y, The Last Man as the best comic ever.
See, I don't have that queasy feeling. Granted that whole backstory is absolutely fucking twisted, so all I could feel was shock. Figure I might wanna take a look into it a little more later.

Also, that argument is invalid. Preacher doesn't have the obligatory pet monkey we all love. Or the pet tiger whose existence I've yet to understand...


WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?! :waah: :lol:
You'll see when you get to it. :p

I re-read the first twelve issues of Preacher, so I could catch up with you and good lord, I forgot how addictive this series is. I devoured that book in two sittings today. Points of interest :

I can still read Arseface's dialogue without using the actual captions.
I still love Cass.
Tulip's hair is still horrible. :lol:
No one fucks with the Saint of Killers.
Si's betrayal still blindsided me.
Gran'ma creeps me the fuck out.
Jody isn't human.
T.C. :ill:
That quote that I had as a sig for a while.
The spirit of John Wayne makes me want to watch his movies (which I've never seen any of)

I really want to start book two. :lol:
You'll see when you get to it. :p

Oh jesus. Pun intended.

I re-read the first twelve issues of Preacher, so I could catch up with you and good lord, I forgot how addictive this series is. I devoured that book in two sittings today. Points of interest :

I can still read Arseface's dialogue without using the actual captions.
I still love Cass.
Tulip's hair is still horrible. :lol:
No one fucks with the Saint of Killers.
Si's betrayal still blindsided me.
Gran'ma creeps me the fuck out.
Jody isn't human.
T.C. :ill:
That quote that I had as a sig for a while.
The spirit of John Wayne makes me want to watch his movies (which I've never seen any of)

I really want to start book two. :lol:

I don't know how you can read his dialogue. I can barely grasp some of it. :lol:
Cass is fantastic. Tulip bores me.
I actually saw Si's betrayal coming. It was either him or the masochist.
Gran'ma is fucking... she is single handedly the creepiest thing I've read in a comic. Creepier than some of the stuff I read in The Walking Dead.
Speaking of which, it makes me kinda wish Jody would channel some of Negan's mojo. And you know. F-bomb. All the time. :lol:
I actually find T.C. hilarious, albeit disgusting as fuck. Then again my humor's a bit warped. :lol:.
I actually recognized that quote before you changed it to Morgan's when I read through it.
And I remember seeing a few John Wayne movies about a year ago. Can't remember much about it though.

And I'd totally like to get my hands on book 2. If it weren't for the fact that I think it won't be in stock next week. Or the fact that Invincible #3 is a little bit more inticing. Or the lack of money. Or the lack of time, especially these next few weeks. :lol: :(
There's actually a John Wayne quote that's pretty similar to what Jesse's dad said. It ws something like :

"I won’t be wronged, I won’t be insulted, and I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”

Yeah, that's pretty much the same.
Took me TOO long before I could post here. Fucking school work. :lol:

But yeah, Preacher #2 was actually a lot more funnier than I expected it to be. From biscuits to oral sex from sheep, it was all funny. I still think Tulip is useless for the most part. I also feel bad for the mercenary dude's... enlightenment on his sexual preferences. Same with the guy who had to count the grains of sand... :lol:. 10000!

Although I will say this, no matter how much you argue, I still think that D'Aronique is the UGLIEST looking thing in that book, barely beating out that creepy ass grandma. I know Jesus de Sade was supposed to be freaky as fuck (definitely crossing the line with that little boy at the party; child porn or just watching? Still horrible.) but looking at that Jabba the Hut fuck face puke after eating all of that shit, plus the cover for the single issue of when he was first introduced is just fucking disgusting. Fucking hate that disgusting shit fuck, jesus. No pun intended.

And his ugly ass son is a complete chode! Give me back Arseface! :mad:
No he's not! He's the messiah! Humperhumperdido! :lol:

D'aronique was definitely fucked up. The whole idea behind the Grail is extremely warped and poorly executed (On their end). Starr definitely had the right idea in trying to usurp them. Speaking of Starr, his search for hair/a hat made me laugh hysterically. :lol:

I also really loved the two-part Cass origin. Cass is so awesome, and it was good to see that behind all his "Yeh fuckin' wankers! Fuck off!" etc. attitude, he has a soul. He's a good person at heart. In my opinion, he is a vampire character done correctly. One of VERY few.

That volume also contained one of my favorite issues of the series, the meeting between Jesse and Spaceman. Space is such a fucking awesome character, I wish Ennis had done more with him.

This series really makes me want to see some John Wayne movies (of which, I've seen none), but I don't know where I should start. He did over 170 in the course of his career. Which, needless to say, is a metric fuck-ton. :lol:

Volume three contains some pretty big plot twists. Be prepared. :p
Finished Preacher #3. First off, ARSEFACE! :D I think he's become my favorite character, even beating Cass.

But in all seriousness, I'm actually glad that this is the first book in the series that hasn't made me want to look away in disgust, for once...

Other than that, this one seems to be a little more well rounded if anything. I love how we get a look at the Saint of Killers' history (quite tragic to be frank) despite it being his only solid performance about it; I like how we got a chance to see what Cass did back before shit went down and how he taught that goth to be... less generic. The whole second part of the book left me with some mixed feelings.

On one hand, the focus on Cass, as much as I enjoy him, may or may not start to get a little bit straining. On top of that, I didn't find the... I'm just gonna call them the goths for now, the goths as an engaging group. They kinda bored me. As well as the reveal for Jesse needed to do; maybe the reveal didn't hit me hard enough?

On the other hand, there's a lot of funny in this book. So much funny. Too much funny. Also, I actually gain a little more appreciation of Tulip's character. A LITTLE, but it's something.

Plus, look at this shit!


It's fucking gold! :lol: