The "What are you REALLY thinking about?" thread

Black Core:
do you know a lot of things about html/php....? i am trying to redisign my website, but the code is starting to look rather messy, doesnt work very well with all the browsers (it look strange on IE 7 and even worst on Opera) and i cant use photoshop or other designing program.
Black Core:
do you know a lot of things about html/php....? i am trying to redisign my website, but the code is starting to look rather messy, doesnt work very well with all the browsers (it look strange on IE 7 and even worst on Opera) and i cant use photoshop or other designing program.
Can I have a look at the code?
I still don't know what exactly happened. But they found his body in a forest close to his house. Only my uncle was allowed to see it so I think it was mutulated in some kind of way... :cry:
yeah, the towns in my area are too small (except for Turnhout en Herentals). Everybody basicly knows everybody and there are not really any grudges
Mario, I'm so sorry. I hope things will get better... hope it's not too hard on your family. Metal gods protect all of you, or something like that.

Living by NYC, there are so many fucking murders. I can't wait until I move to Europe officially. Even though there is violence, it's nothing compared to what it is here.

I'm also looking forward to knowing that I won't be surrounded with guns. Another family that my family basically grew up with suffered a tragedy because of guns back in April. The oldest son went to Virginia Tech and he was shot to death during the VT massacre. It was terrible and senseless violence...

Sorry Mario. It sucks. A lot.
thanx for the support.

My uncle who saw the body came over just an hour ago. apperantly he was hung but it's strange since he was found in an open spot in the forest...