The "What are you REALLY thinking about?" thread

There is such a thing as true love, but it generally never manifests in physical relations. True love is what you feel for your doggie, your parents, and maybe even to really close and long lived friendships. It's unconditional, no jealousy, no envy, just someone you would do anything for without asking or desiring anything in return for.

True love, as in reference to a significant other, is merely obsession, reliance, domainance, possession, etc... In very few situations where there is an equal need and both parties balance it can be found. Most people who stay together for long term relationships love each other and do so for many reasons, but love isn't generally the primary factor.

Yes, one can be "in love" more than two people at once. It's very confusing and troubling and almost always leads to a broken heart somewhere.

There is such a thing as true love, but it generally never manifests in physical relations. True love is what you feel for your doggie, your parents, and maybe even to really close and long lived friendships. It's unconditional, no jealousy, no envy, just someone you would do anything for without asking or desiring anything in return for.

True love, as in reference to a significant other, is merely obsession, reliance, domainance, possession, etc... In very few situations where there is an equal need and both parties balance it can be found. Most people who stay together for long term relationships love each other and do so for many reasons, but love isn't generally the primary factor.

I must disagree with this but I see how you could think such a thing
There is such a thing as true love, but it generally never manifests in physical relations. True love is what you feel for your doggie, your parents, and maybe even to really close and long lived friendships. It's unconditional, no jealousy, no envy, just someone you would do anything for without asking or desiring anything in return for.

True love, as in reference to a significant other, is merely obsession, reliance, domainance, possession, etc... In very few situations where there is an equal need and both parties balance it can be found. Most people who stay together for long term relationships love each other and do so for many reasons, but love isn't generally the primary factor.

Yes, one can be "in love" more than two people at once. It's very confusing and troubling and almost always leads to a broken heart somewhere.

I agree with you, I even admit staying with someone for 3 years not since I loved him, but b/cuz he had no one else...and he was obsessed with me and still is unfort. love will always be one person loving the other more while one person is using you.. such as needing ... as in not wanting you, need.. for various reasons such as money, support, connections, etc...

I think that most only lust, never love and love is what you have for someone that you want in your life, not need.
I agree with you, I even admit staying with someone for 3 years not since I loved him, but b/cuz he had no one else...and he was obsessed with me and still is unfort. love will always be one person loving the other more while one person is using you.. such as needing ... as in not wanting you, need.. for various reasons such as money, support, connections, etc...

I think that most only lust, never love and love is what you have for someone that you want in your life, not need.

I think that is just based on bad experience, if you'd have a long good relationship you'd probably think diffrent about it I think
I agree with you, I even admit staying with someone for 3 years not since I loved him, but b/cuz he had no one else...and he was obsessed with me and still is unfort. love will always be one person loving the other more while one person is using you.. such as needing ... as in not wanting you, need.. for various reasons such as money, support, connections, etc...

I think that most only lust, never love and love is what you have for someone that you want in your life, not need.

Yes, and many people who stay together don't do it primarily because of love, but because of comfort, need or utility.

"True Love" or at least my conception of it, is devoid of hate, anger, pain, resentment, jealousy, a need to be controlled or to dominate, or to focus frustration upon. Imagine a relationship without these, balanced with your need to be free, alone, requiring comfort, intimacy, sex, without having to give more of yourself than you give in return, without expectations of such.

Too many people have too many issues to ever enjoy this type of rare relationship and just settle for a combination that they're happy or comfortable with, or in a situation that would be more harmful to leave than to stay.

In the end, you're really alone, and you're the one who has to make sure that your needs are satisfied, and if you're lucky, you'll find someone who is relatively compatible with your own quirks and can selflessly fulfill your needs while you reciprocate in a fashion that does not compromise yours.

Anyways.... I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. Not all people are so messed up, or at least aren't so messed up in a way that will bother you. That is really the key, finding someone who has problems with something you don't have any issues with, and likewise.
Necromancy - Don`t wait to long.. It`s damn painful, and more and more you think about it, it will hurt even more.. Maybe you oughta choose none of them???!! Nah... Love is difficult.. If theres something missing your heart start wandering looking for something to fill the empty space..
I have now been together with my b.f for 4,5 years.. I cannot say I`m happy or satisfied.. I guess we could have seperate beds and we wouldn`t notice the difference.. We are together because of our daughter, wrong reason but it`s kinda hard to end it..
Follow your heart and your thoughts, it`s hard but it`s your life..

I got sad news yesterday.. A good friend of mine died at work.. Haven`t spoken with him for about 4 years, lost contact when his brother died in a car accident.. I grow up with him, he was kinda my second big brother.. All those memories.. Haha.. He actually was my first love.. Remember that well, I was 10 years first time I fell for him.. Oh my, I can still feel that feeling.. :lol: Hmm... It`s sad, he was just 31 years old.. And actually it breaks my heart.. It hurt so damn much.. He is gone forever, never gonna have the possibility to see him again.. :waah: :waah:
^sorry to hear that *hugs*

@Necromancy: well seems like we all have our own ideas about the situation, but you need to do what you think is right, we can't make the dicision for you. I hope you make the right one.
35 days left.. 35 days later my boy friend will be with me.. What about the other guy? Life sucks! I suck! you think/know if your boyfriend you have been waiting on has been seeing any other chicks? or dudes? because that would be funny if you thought he didn't and he did!
:kickass: keep up the good work!
Who is hotter? Who has the bigger penis?

Problem solved.

My boy friend is the one to be married with.. He has all the qualities to marry with.. But the new guy is hot! He makes me crazy:) I haven't seen his penis yet :) :) :)

life sux and then you die, the story of everyone's life :ill:

Vicious Circle... you think/know if your boyfriend you have been waiting on has been seeing any other chicks? or dudes? because that would be funny if you thought he didn't and he did!
:kickass: keep up the good work!

Hahaha.. It would have been crazy!! :lol:
I reckon if you are in a comfy relationship you should stick with it, because if you give it all up for some guy you havent even slept with then it could quite easily end and u'd be stuck with no one. Of course people in relationships think other people are real hot, but thats it, it shouldnt go much further. Beware of temptation.