The White Stripes drummer

Slipknot are my favorate band, with Joey my favorate drummer, I dont see em as numetal, calling a band nu metal because they are mainstream is just ignorant.

Comparing Joey to John otto cant be done.. considering John Otto is originally a Jazz drummer.

Being a Slipknot fan, I'll go through the bands talents...

Joey Jordison - Apparently he has another band that his drumming is much faster and harder than anything he has done in slipknot.

Mick Thomson - Originally a guitar teacher, he did a few solos for a magazine that kept his critics quiet for a while

Corey Taylor - His old demo stuff with Stone sour in 1994 has some of the best lyrics and singing I've ever heard. I recommand: Stone Sour - I Can't Believe, its nothing like nowdays, bt obviously he cant go back to a higher pitched voice considering it was 10 years ago and he was only 19.

Paul Gray - Nothing out of the ordinary special, but a respectable bassist in my opinion.

Outside that the rest arent anything special, the *excess* members being Chris, Shawn and Sid do mroe stage work than actual music, which can proove effective for a brilliant show since Craig doesnt move, Joey cant move around, and Jim and Mick and Paul just stay in the one spot...
C-Taylor said:
Slipknot are my favorate band, with Joey my favorate drummer, I dont see em as numetal, calling a band nu metal because they are mainstream is just ignorant.

Comparing Joey to John otto cant be done.. considering John Otto is originally a Jazz drummer.

Being a Slipknot fan, I'll go through the bands talents...

Joey Jordison - Apparently he has another band that his drumming is much faster and harder than anything he has done in slipknot.

Mick Thomson - Originally a guitar teacher, he did a few solos for a magazine that kept his critics quiet for a while

Corey Taylor - His old demo stuff with Stone sour in 1994 has some of the best lyrics and singing I've ever heard. I recommand: Stone Sour - I Can't Believe, its nothing like nowdays, bt obviously he cant go back to a higher pitched voice considering it was 10 years ago and he was only 19.

Paul Gray - Nothing out of the ordinary special, but a respectable bassist in my opinion.

Outside that the rest arent anything special, the *excess* members being Chris, Shawn and Sid do mroe stage work than actual music, which can proove effective for a brilliant show since Craig doesnt move, Joey cant move around, and Jim and Mick and Paul just stay in the one spot...

C-Taylor said:
Comparing Joey to John otto cant be done.. considering John Otto is originally a Jazz drummer.
No offence, just correcting your error. Joey started off as a Jazz drummer, too. So lets compare! John sucks donkey genitaila. Joey doesn't.
thebigyetti said:
my favorites, in no real order:

nick barker
flo mournier
chad smith
matt cameron
travis barker(yes that guy from blink182, suck my dick)
Okay, maybe I'm the only one agreeing, but Travis is damn good for what he does. BUT he is not to be compared with or put on the level of greats such as Flo, Trym, Hellhammer, etc....That is blasphomy.
Joey progressed into other styles and varations of drumming though, John didnt....

Travis barker is pretty fast, but I'm not really impressed by what he does to others, although I heard he has some pretty good solo videos roaming aroudn the internet I havent seen any so I cant say much.

I'll die now :lol:
He has progressed but he does still play nifty jazz and stuff....but of course not with Slipknot.
Travis is ok, but what do you mean by what he does to others, out of curiosity?
Tut Ankh Amon said:
damn, we're discussing technicality in pop-punk here?! :lol:

fuck, want technicality, go listen to some Mike Portnoy :lol:


although because its pop punk doesnt mean the individual artists have no talent :) Nothing special about Mark or Tom, Travis is the talent of that band.