The Wine Thread.


Sep 22, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
'Cause here at RC, we're real sophisticated cunts.

My preferred wine is red, a well bodied Shiraz with strong tannins and fruity swill. I also enjoy other reds such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir etc.

Whites not so much, but I am known to enjoy the odd Sauvignon Blanc on a summer's day, or a poofy little Rosé.

Anyway tonight we drink a 2012 Taylors 'Promised Land' Shiraz (which is a favourite of the mrs and mine), and a 2011 Grant Burge 'GB 56' Shiraz, a new wine to us. Both from South Australia.

3 Buck Chuck? You're paying too much, that shit is TWO Buck Chuck.

I don't like white wine. I've had very, very few that I went OMG MORE.

I've been on a Malbec kick lately. Also I finally started appreciating Zinfandel, have had several good ones over the last year. Pinot Noir I'm hit or miss with, generally I agree with Ken on that one.

Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz are probably the two I drink the most.

Not a huge fan of Merlot, but I have had several that were amazing. Too many bad ones out there make me avoid it most of the time though.

I spent my honeymoon in Paso Robles. That was an experience. I wanted to live and die up there. So beautiful. So expensive. Especially this one:
My mood greatly shifts depending on what I am drinking:

Wine = I wish to discuss life and philosophy.
Scotch = I want to be left alone and read a book and/or write.
Beer = I will talk about big boobs and loud music.

EDIT: Oooooh I wonder if sometimes it's the cart leading the horse. o_O
Wine = I wish to discuss life and philosophy.
Scotch = I want to be left alone and read a book and/or write.
Beer = I will talk about big boobs and loud music.

This is so goddamn true!

(and coincidentally, all work well when posting on RC)
Yeah, the moods described by NAD are pretty spot on. Red wine has been the inspirer for many a wonderful conversation with my lady, but also the source of many a glass slinging shit fight.

I will drink white with spicy food or seafood, but have lately found that a light bodied red pairs with those two foods quite well also. Generally white wine is blegh to me also, the ones a do enjoy are quite sharp. Most at just too sweet.

The GB 56 I had last night had very nice tannins on the back I the palate, which an almost delicately smooth finish. It's downfall was the slight bitterness at the top of the mouth which made its way into the nose also. I enjoyed the wine, the mrs didn't.
Nad, id like to see you post something after a few glasses of absinthe :lol:

Despite my generally negative opinion toward wine ive been thinking about grabbing some cheap stuff and spicing it with whatever. Honey and thyme or something. Thoughts?

The current wine I cracked open last night reminds me of Orval. FUcking EEEIIIRRWWWWDDSSSSS!!!!1 It's definitely got a Brettonamyces thing going on, whether intentional or not.
If you wanna make spiced wine, I'd suggest cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, orange segments and zest, honey or sugar to sweeten. Use a light, fruity red.

But then you might be a my pals.