tHe wOrLd oF ChiCkeNkILLeR

When did "American" become an insulting adjective? If you don't like his work, cool. A Canadian's work wouldn't look any different, but I doubt anyone would scowl and write "how Canadian".
"american" was not used as an insulting adjective at all. All I wanted to say with that was that american people like something like that and it's typical for americans. If instead of that here was presented a collection of beer mugs posted by a german guy - it could be named as very german.

And because of the rest - well I just tried to verbalise my opinion and I think I 've had the right to do that ... as you know there is always accounting for taste and those "collection" here seems very ugly to me. Sorry if my oppinoin isn't in line with yours but I won't lie here just to accomodate what I think to the others.
Geri said:
"american" was not used as an insulting adjective at all. All I wanted to say with that was that american people like something like that and it's typical for americans. If instead of that here was presented a collection of beer mugs posted by a german guy - it could be named as very german.

And because of the rest - well I just tried to verbalise my opinion and I think I 've had the right to do that ... as you know there is always accounting for taste and those "collection" here seems very ugly to me. Sorry if my oppinoin isn't in line with yours but I won't lie here just to accomodate what I think to the others.

Ummm, I never said a thing about your opinion other than calling you on "American". You're certainly entitled to what you think. Like I said, if you don't like his work - cool. I'm one of like 2 Americans that commented on liking it, everyone else is from another country, so there's nothing "American" about liking the guy's work. But when someone makes a comment about things being "tacky and how American :yuk: " - that's insulting. I'm no flag waving patriot by ANY means, but I wouldn't resort to jabs about a person's nationality to express my distaste for something.
BlackwaterNymph said:
What an Israeli thing to say. :lol: ;)

All we need is jello. From woodworking to jello, what a thread!
I believe the american custom is mud wrestling in a bikini...correct me if I'm wrong...

what a thread indeed...
To TS, should he see this: I think your woodworking skills are amazing. I especially like the logos in the first picture.