The_Q Is Attending ProgPower 6!


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Mar 29, 2003
After careful consideration (about two milliseconds) I have decided to attend ProgPower 6 this year. The stars have aligned recently and two circumstances have come into play that will let me attend. One is that my fall class (Phlebotomy-Yes I am training to be a vampire of sorts) has moved from the week of PP6 to the following week, so my class on Friday and clinical on Saturday are free. Second, money was a big issue as I have been unemployed since April. I recently learned that my former employer had been putting money away from every paycheck without my knowledge in a pension account. Now I get a letter with the option of taking it in one lump sum ($8,000). So, ProgPower 6 will be a reality for me this year. So, J-Dubya start flexing that middle finger old man from Cheeseland, The_Q will be in your face. LOL.
The_Q said:
After careful consideration (about two milliseconds) I have decided to attend ProgPower 6 this year. The stars have aligned recently and two circumstances have come into play that will let me attend. One is that my fall class (Phlebotomy-Yes I am training to be a vampire of sorts) has moved from the week of PP6 to the following week, so my class on Friday and clinical on Saturday are free. Second, money was a big issue as I have been unemployed since April. I recently learned that my former employer had been putting money away from every paycheck without my knowledge in a pension account. Now I get a letter with the option of taking it in one lump sum ($8,000). So, ProgPower 6 will be a reality for me this year. So, J-Dubya start flexing that middle finger old man from Cheeseland, The_Q will be in your face. LOL.

Bitchin !!! PPVI just wouldn't be the same without you Sean !!! Great to see you will be there.

That's wonderful news Sean! Can't wait to catch up with you there! I have major respect for vampires - they have kept my mom able to fight her battle. Be a good student and learn how to use a mediport (although in NY I think only RNs can do that) to draw blood, it's a handy little thing.
The_Q said:
So, ProgPower 6 will be a reality for me this year. So, J-Dubya start flexing that middle finger old man from Cheeseland, The_Q will be in your face. LOL.

Glad to year you'll be there. I use that middle finger EVERY day in traffic, so it's in great shape! Looking forward to flipping you off, and getting in your face PUNKASS!

glad to hear it man, you were like the only person i kinda knew and hung out with last year, and you're the man

see you in september

and if you were planning that get together again like last year, maybe hurricanes won't stop me this year:headbang:
You know how I feel!!!! I knew you could not let me down.. :)
I can't wait to hang with you again this year (got a beer?). We are going
to have so much fun.....