THEOCRACY is THE most ridiculous band...

Yes, I have listened to a number of THEOCRACY tracks and I can confirm, they do, indeed, suck. All of their riffs are just samples and mixes of classic Maiden and Iced Earth. Let the masters do their thing. Go home, THEO.

You're telling me that metal has ever been anything but antitheist? You must be high. Ever heard of BLACK SABBATH, the founding fathers (well, one of them) of metal? Have you any clue of what a Black Sabbath is? In traditional lore, it's a ceremony run in reverse of a Mass, a tribute to Lucifer.

All metal that's ever been worth listening to has been aggressive and violent, with death and destruction founding the basis of most lyrics. If not anti-God, metal is at LEAST anti-conformity. The sounds are loud, intense, some times chaotic. Christianity is the opposite of Chaos. It's order. It's conformity. It's submission. The complete OPPOSITE of metal.

Please don't lecture me on how Christianity isn't all Benny Hinns and damnation threats. I know full well what constitutes a Christian and their mentality, as I'm a college junior majoring in anthropology (minor in world religions). To say that the Chaos of metal, the rebellion espoused through the music, the violent nature of most of the lyrics, is anything but opposition to Christianity is simply an attempt at peacekeeping by fuckwits without the balls to stand up and say something. Metal is Chaos, rebellion, violence, anger and aggression. Christ is Order, peace, love and passiveness... it is QUITE obvious that "Christians" have no place in an industry founded upon rebellion and frustration with the establishment.
Oh please, this coming from someone who namechecks fucking MARDUK for god's sake!! :lol:

You claim metal is anti-conformity, yet you expect it to conform to the anti-religious outlook you enjoy. Gimme a break :lol: Metal is as conformist as any musical genre, because of people like you shouting down anyone who doesn't sing about slaying virgins, or praising Sataaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
All metal that's ever been worth listening to has been aggressive and violent, with death and destruction founding the basis of most lyrics.
This is easily the most ignorant thing I've ever read. You, sir, are a buggerer.
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
I'm a bad ass, tough as hell, hardcore anti-christ fanboy, and lyrics are more important than the music, etc. etc.
Then again, all christians are very happy people. Every single one of them. You're depressed and very angry.

The christians win! Yaay!
I'm quite put off by a band with christian lyrics or promoting christianity. I can still enjoy the music, but it is more apt to leave a sour smear in my mental states. Its not about lyrics being more important than the music; I consider lyrics to be a part of the music as much as any instrument....and while I don't think metal has to be anti-conformist (precisely because it can sound good regardless, and sticking to nothing but anti-conformity for its own sake is itself conformity as Mark has said), I think a large and important part of its ideology is precisely of the nature of non-conformity.

I've never heard Theocracy though, hehe, just my 5 euros. ;o)
Deron and Matt.....great responses, but I have to say something here as well in regards to Mr. Noose’s commentary.

I find this dialogue simply astounding!! You mention Black Sabbath as one of the founding fathers of metal (and I certainly agree), and how the name in “traditional lore” is a tribute to Lucifer. Is that supposed to carry weight to support your argument? I find myself having to stifle a laugh.
If you want to cite lyrics of death and destruction as the basis for what makes metal “worth listening to”, and as a result that in its true form can only be considered anti-God and/or anti-conformist, your logic is seriously flawed....even more if you conclude that all of it is in direct opposition to Christianity.
Let’s start with the supposed anti-God theme of metal. I find it interesting that Black Sabbath created quite a stir in the 70’s with their songs that were blatant anti-war in sentiment. War Pigs compares military and government leaders to satan worshippers, and in the most contemptible way. That is hardly an anti-God message, but you would not know that unless you actually listened to or read the lyrics. Iron Maiden’s classic “Number of the Beast” (the album responsible for my own metal conversion) is blatantly anti-satanic. Not to mention the furor started in the 90’s over a suicide that was attributed Judas Priest. (ooooooh, there it is again...what’s in a name???!) They, as well as many other great metal bands, had to suffer the burden of being labeled “satanists” by reactionary fools who did not take the time to read the words to their music to discern the real meanings. None of them to my knowledge are satanists and do not claim to be. That is the same “religious” mindset that metal stands against, and the very one that ensnares superficial, misguided individuals like yourself. You are relating very different things.
Is metal rebellious? It most certainly is and thank God for that! However, most of the death, destruction and violence that is written about is regarded with obvious disdain. It is seldom ever praised.....and THAT is the source of the rebellion it “espouses”. Once again, you would not know that unless you read and understood the lyrics.
Now, how you can think that metal is in opposition to Christianity because it is anti-norm, anti-establishment, chaotic, etc. is beyond me. True Christianity, not religion, and the message of the Gospel is total non-conformity! It is at odds with the things of the world, which are death, destruction and chaos---which ironically are the very things that most metal speaks about and is vehemently opposed to. Christianity is about submission to God’s ways of love, peace, compassion etc.....which are definitely not the “established” ways of the world. You defeat your argument with circular logic.
Metal is great because more than any other style of music, it deals with no-nonsense issues. The reality of good vs. evil remains (most of the time) the heart of the matter. So with all the venom you spew in the name of being a true metal “non-conformist”, I wonder if you realize how ordinary you really are.
If you don't think lyrics are important you're a goddamn moron. Lyrics are the only thing that separates metal from trance or electronically synthesized bullshit. Take away the lyrics and we'd just be dancing around to noises like all the club kids. Aren't you worth any more than that?

And what the fuck is wrong with Marduk? Marduk fucking rocks, man. They're not the most TALENTED band ever, but who cares, they put their souls into every song they play. Which is much more than can be said for 90% of the most listened to acts out there.

I went to go see Six Feet Under at a local show they did with Behemoth and As I Lay Dying.

Behemoth was fucking intense as hell and crazy as ever. As I Lay Dying wasen't that impressive but even they were better than Six Feet Under. Goddamn assholes showed up an hour late and then played a 15 minute set and said fuck ya'll and wouldn't even hang out after the show. Despite that, they're still praised a hell of a lot more than either Marduk or Behemoth and that is a fucking travesty. Fuck Six Feet Under.
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
If you don't think lyrics are important you're a goddamn moron. Lyrics are the only thing that separates metal from trance or electronically synthesized bullshit. Take away the lyrics and we'd just be dancing around to noises like all the club kids. Aren't you worth any more than that?
Hi, welcome to Earth. What planet do you come from?

And what the fuck is wrong with Marduk? Marduk fucking rocks, man. They're not the most TALENTED band ever, but who cares, they put their souls into every song they play. Which is much more than can be said for 90% of the most listened to acts out there.
Put their souls into making tripe. But what else is new? We all know that the metal genre is better than mainstream. You're preaching to the choir.

Despite that, they're still praised a hell of a lot more than either Marduk or Behemoth
Since when?
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
You're telling me that metal has ever been anything but antitheist? You must be high. Ever heard of BLACK SABBATH, the founding fathers (well, one of them) of metal? Have you any clue of what a Black Sabbath is?

Do YOU have any clue what the BAND is/was?

They had at LEAST one pro-God song, and NO pro devil songs.

Nice try, asshole.

Actually, I lied.

That was a pathetic try.

TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
Nah, metal instrumentals are always better. It usually removes the childishness from the songs. How many metal bands write good lyrics? Can't think of many. Most of them write angry kiddy lyrics. Or jolly fantasy crap, although that's still better than frustrated teengarer, who hates his parents, lyrics.