THEOCRACY is THE most ridiculous band...

How can you make 'aggressive', 'hardcore' metal with lyrics about the gospel of jesus christ?

That's what Theocracy is claiming to do with their band on their official website. They're supposedly continuing the classic metal movement began by such big names as Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian and so on and so forth.

What I don't understand is... how far are their heads up their asses?

Maiden used to sing about "The Beast", as in the beast of Revelations, the enemy of mankind, of jesus, of god. Iced Earth has songs like Heaven and Hell and others that proclaim "i am my own savior" and call god a bastard...

How, then, can Theocracy make music in a genre that by definition is a counter-culture, countering the Christian monopoly on the world's collective consciousness? It doesn't make sense.

That would be like saying "let's make some conformist punk!" or "how about some redneck rap!?" or "hey, what about some christian metal!"... o wait, that's exactly what they're doing.

Fuck Theocracy. Someone should crucify them. I'll stick with MARDUK and songs like "Christraping Black Metal" and "Slay the Nazarene", thank you very much.
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
That would be like saying "let's make some conformist punk!" or "how about some redneck rap!?" or "hey, what about some christian metal!"...
Haha, dude--that's all been done before!!!
ffanatic said:
There are several good Christian "metal" bands:
Zao, Living Sacrifice, Embodyment, Dead Poetic, Extol, As I Lay Dying, Blindside, et al.
Don't forget Sanctifica. Nothing like Christian black metal!
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
That would be like saying "let's make some conformist punk!" or "how about some redneck rap!?" or "hey, what about some christian metal!"... o wait, that's exactly what they're doing.
Nice try. Never mind that your two examples are cultures themselves, rather than genres. Tell me, when was punk ever about music? When was rap anything more than a dick-shaking contest wrapped (no pun intended) in a glitzy commercial?

Don't try to tell me that the metal world is one based upon antitheist sentiment. I've heard that kind of bullshit from every Prozak sycophant that marches through here in jackboots, and it's more and more ridiculous every time I hear it. The only way in which Metal As Genre becomes Metal As (Antitheist) Culture is when you narrowly define it by a select handful of iconic examples, which, surprisingly, had public ideologies that far eclipsed what little musical substance they offered (Venom, for instance). Otherwise, metal has been about breaking music boundaries, not breaking down church doors. In that respect any band, regardless of ideology, can make "good metal."

:yell: This is why I hate metalheads.
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Ahh Noose I just love hearing opinions like yours :)

So, have you listened to Theocracy before judging or are you just judging it by what the band claims they're about? If you think Christianity or being a Christian is all about what you read in the headlines of the newpapers or what you see on TV evangelism shows you are sadly misinformed. If you think it's all about "killing in the name of God - death to all sinners!" you're mistaken again. The problem is, Christians like me, like the guy behind Theocracy, and just plain countless others out there in the World don't get their names put in the headlines of papers or Tv, why? There's no scandal or controversy! God forbid somethign positive makes it to a news story headline <gasp> I mean come on, so a Christian Metal album can't sound like Blind Guardian/Iced Earth/Avantasia/Maiden and has to sound like a hillbilly Bluegrass Gospel Pop band!? How shallow of a thought process is that? METAL is METAL and good music is good music. I choose not to listen to the Danzig's of the World or Venom, Cannibal Corpse etc etc but I don't go around calling them a-holes or saying they have their heads up their buttss and all that. People have a right to believe in what they want but I find it funny when something comes along that may not be the norm or isn't in line with your own beliefs, it's automatically crap and people should stay away. Sounds like a role reversal of the same preachers on TV that slam sinners and say they're doomed for Hellfire.

Anyways, it's a killer album. Sad you pre-judge it based on what it's all about before even hearing it. The lyrics are spiritual, but they're not "I love God yeah yeah yeahhh Glory to him and pray for all sinners praise the Lord woooooo!" The lyrics are intelligently done and can hang with any non-Christian band lyrics just the same.

In closing, death to all sinners and hellfire to the unbaptised. Hey, I'm a Christian, and I told a hell joke! <gasp> LOL...METAL!
By the way, the band name "Theocracy" isn't meant to be used literally as it is defined in the dictionary.. it has a twisted meaning that's described in the lyrics for the title track.
That all may be true, MetalAges, but it's not Noose's point. He's not complaining about Christian controversy; he's saying that the philosophical spirit of metal is by definition antitheist. Which is bullshit, of course.
1. Maiden did one song about "The BeasT" Only in Number of the Beast.

Iced Earth dont have a song called Heaven And Hell and they dont call God a bastard. In certain songs meant as thru someone elses eyes they may as in Damien.
Oh great, you did it now Noose, thanks a lot!

For Immediate Release

THEOCRACY Announce 2-CD Hillbilly Bluegrass Gospel Pop Album

In the fall of 2006, Theocracy plans to release an epic new work entitled, "Death to All Sinners and Hellfire to the Unbaptized."

"Yeah, it will probably be two discs," says frontman Matt Smith, "and I really feel like it's some of the most powerful stuff I've written." After initially trying to address the heavy and serious spiritual issues that normally characterize his music, Matt felt that the lyrics didn't carry much weight behind the new hillbilly bluegrass gospel pop style, so every song on the new disc is about grassy hillsides in the sunshine from a spiritual perspective. "Yeah, but I mean it's different takes on these grassy hillsides. So it's not like it's the same thing over and over," says Smith. "Towards the beginning of 'Lucid Daisy Fields,' after I sing, 'I love God yeah yeah yeahhh Glory to him and pray for all sinners praise the Lord woooooo,' for the ninth time and the banjo comes in, it just moves my heart every time."

Look for the album, with cover art by Norman Rockwell, to be released on Deron Blevins' HillbillyBluegrassGospelPopAges label.

ROFL! I have to give credit to Matt Smith (great sense of humor) from Theocracy for this one, classic Matt :)