Theocracy Playing Progpower 2014!

I was so excited to see this on Theocracy's Facebook page. I know it's a year from now, but this would be awesome. I really wanted to see them last month in Louisville, KY (I live in KY) but they called it off. I'm sure I'll see them before September again but I also wanted to go because Stratovarius was playing and I really want to see them. Once in a lifetime ya know?
I'm going to be bumping the crap out of this thread until we get some people to commit. I am so beyond stoked for this event. Theocrats unite!

There are only 15 Tickets left as of right now....

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If you like Theocracy, chances are you'll like 80% of the other bands that weekend. And finally meeting forum peeps would be sick!

I can carpool people if you are in the line from North Carolina down to GA.

Feels weird having to plan a year in advance for a show like this. I guess I underestimated how big Stratovarius is.
It turns out that I can't go. A probable trip to Europe this summer is going to eat up all of my vacation days.

I'm bummed because Theocracy, Orden Ogan, and Seventh Wonder made this possibly my favorite PP lineup :erk:
It turns out that I can't go.

I have just cried 1000 tears.

I will carry the torch again and try to do a Theocracy fan forum meet-up, if there are any takers. I got the VIP for their show so I'm super duper happy about that.

Anybody that is interested in going still, tickets are officially sold out to the main fest, but there is a forum thread where people are selling them.

There are STILL TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR THE THEOCRACY SHOW and the following nights show (Draekon, DGM, Pagans Mind)

As I mentioned before, I can carpool in the line from NC to GA for anyone who is down.
I'm going to be there Friday and Saturday for sure. Not 100% certain I can come Wednesday. It's difficult to arrange that many vacation days... and a pet sitter.
At the last moment, I ended up being able to get to Atlanta for tonight's Theocracy show. 10 years of fandom and I am *finally* going to see them live! So excited \m/

labarum, see you there...
It was great to see you Jason, as well as the band! And you got a shoutout!

It was officially the best show I've ever been to. I screamed myself all the way out of a voice.

Georgia, did you see me? I was on the lookout but I also tend to be bad with being in a bubble while walking around.
The show was nothing short of amazing!
I can say with confidence that it was the best show I have ever been to.
I got to meet with most of the band during the VIP time, and got some stuff signed. Then I jumped up on the front and center rail to solidify my spot.
Vangough was a pretty great opener, and helped me get my groove going. If you haven't heard of them before, they are pretty great. Definitely a progressive band, but they have some pretty great breakdowns/riffs as well.

Due to there being little to no monitors on the stage (everybody had IEMs) those of us on the front row couldnt hear much of the vocal mix.
It didnt stop me from screaming every single word of every song and jumping up and down like a schoolgirl for the whole show. I hope you guys weren't trying to film because I would have definitely been in the way. After the show I had no voice, but it was 100% worth it.
What I liked the most was the bass heaviness I was able to hear through the mix. Being a bass guy myself it was super awesome to hear my favorite songs with the bass punching me in the face.

The whole band had a great amount on energy on the stage, and the goofing off and smiles and stuff just made it even better. As Jason said before, the other 2 bands of the night were prog, so Theocracy brought along the power! So many great breakdowns, and during each one I turned around to see how the rest of the crowd was reacting and the whole room was losing it! It was great. Thanks for an epic night guys.

Shoutout to Patrick for tossing me some sticks! And for hanging out afterwards at the courtyard a couple nights. I look forward to hanging out next year again. It was crazy that I had talked to your dad earlier in the fest and even given him a pick I caught during Overkill...that just blew my mind and was so cool to see father-son united in metalheadedness.

I was able to see Matt a couple of more times walking around the mezz and even got a picture with him. Thanks Matt!

I hope you guys tour again soon or play some more shows, It was awesome.

Memorable quote of the night: Matt (possibly intentionally) drops the mic violently on the stage. Guy beside me, " He just layed that microphone to rest". I died.
Double Post!

Am I taking crazy pills, or did I hear "Serpent's Kiss" being played as a warm-up when I was standing outside? Because I sang it out there too. At top volume.

If I had to pick my favorite song from the live set, I'll have to say LTDTR, because EVERYONE around me was just going insane for it.

A close second though, was Gift of Music. Man. O man. It starts out so low and slow and emotional, but then at the end it has just the most natural progression into breakdown, then into super fast playing I just cant explain it live.....Man.