Theocracy Signs to SonyBMG!!!

And the award for world's largest forehead goes to....


As for the topic, Matt...well played sir, well played :lol:

EDIT: When the death metal part comes in in "Mirror of Souls," I got massive shades of Crotchduster :heh:
ffs. I looked at this when before I was heading to class this morning...still not awake. I hate getting tricked on april fools, lol.
Dude I ate so much shit this morning trying to get someone with an April fools joke: I told my friend who always asks me if she's fat (and I always tell her "No, of course not, you look good!") that I had been lying to her this whole time and that she needs to lose some weight. She caught it so quickly, I threw such an airball lol meat head!!! I'm still upset that I dropped the ball so bad!!!
Epic fucking win.

Epic. Fucking. Win.

Did no one else notice that all of the calendar images are for January 09? Maybe put 'Scent of Hinds' together the right way? This is so well crafted I almost wish I could say I fell for it...
