It's kinda funny 'cause I also have a "hootenanny of souls"

Man,.. Oh man Oh man,..
I know a while back Matt S was worried Theocracy was going to end up one of those bands who have one good self-titled album and a bunch of Christmas songs,..

Well matt, you'll have no worries anymore. Now you have One album, a bunch of Christmas Songs and a couple Aprils fools day songs.

(Can't wait for the new album)
I read this on Apr 1, but failed to comment. After enduring 4 years of this now, I STILL fell for it, at least for a little while. I was totally on board and pumped until I got to the end of the second paragraph: "the material on Mirror of Souls runs the gamut from screaming death metal to...". Right then I realized this was a joke. Well done as always, guys!

BTW, although all of the joke songs have been great because they are jokes, Skeletor Goes To Mars remains an awesome song IN SPITE OF being a joke song. Seriously.