Theocracy Tab Thread

can you tell me some easy theocracy songs you tabbed out? Cuz i'm not that good yet, and i really want to say i can play something by theocracy.
can you tell me some easy theocracy songs you tabbed out? Cuz i'm not that good yet, and i really want to say i can play something by theocracy.

Haha. None of their songs are particularly easy to my opinion The Writing in the Sand or A Tower of Ashes would probably be the least difficult...but I'm sure someone here knows better than I do.
can you tell me some easy theocracy songs you tabbed out? Cuz i'm not that good yet, and i really want to say i can play something by theocracy.

FleshAndBloodTheocracy is right. The main difficulty with most Theocracy songs is the speed as Matt sure likes to pick fast. :D

Anyway, these two are fairly slow and should be the most suitable ones for a beginner:

From "Theocracy": Mountain
From "Mirror of Souls": The Writing in the Sand

Other than that, I recommend that you pick a song you like, see if the tab is available and then try it. You will notice what you can do and where you need more practice first.
Hi guys, I'm new here, I come from Finland and have to tell that Theocracy changed my life from the first time I heard their songs. And the new album is totally awesome! I have played guitar a few years too, so I thought if I could tab some songs from the new album too. I've got The Master Storyteller coming out, but unfortunately I'm not an expert with GuitarPro or tabbing songs at all, so I hope you like it when it's ready. I won't even try to tab the solo :D
Woah this thread wasn't around for a while I see...
I don't play the guitar but good job to anyone who tried tabbing the songs!
Hi guys! Just visiting from Costa Rica :wave:

I just wanted to know if there's somebody out there willing to help me out tabbing "I AM"? I really love this song, and i've been working on it (TNX MATT for the video!) but..... I really know Almost Nothing about music theory or tabbing hehehe.

I already have some parts going on fine (not perfectly) but its getting harder for me to continue (this is my first tab after all).

Well, I appreciate any help :grin: if someone is up for it, i can send the guitar-pro file!!

Greetings my fellow-theocraters!!!! :wave:
Does anyone have or want to make tabs for one of the Christmas songs? (For example All I Want For Christmas) I'd love to see that.