Theocracy - Theocracy

Here you go guys, enjoy! The self-titled re-issue will be released on November 15th in Europe and on November 19th North America!

Theocracy - Theocracy:

This has always been one of my absolute favorites in terms of songwriting. It sounds so fantastic now! :)
Great stuff ..... an improvement on an already awesome song. The thing that sticks out for me most here are the vocals. They really benefited from whatever Matt did to fix things up.
my two copies arrived today (2nd copy is for my younger sister).
I remember being in high school back in '05 when i first discovered the debut album, waiting for Mirror of Souls and listening to the old demo version of Eagle's Wings back to back. I'm taking a huge trip through memory lane with this album but definitely enjoying the remixing and new drums.

One small thing I did notice was that the in the booklet the final chorus in Icthus still says "carved in the wall" when it should be "carved in our souls" hahaha
So my copy came last night, and I have a few brief words to say on the subject:


Sounds beautiful. It may now take its rightful place among my favorite albums ever.