Theocracy would be a great opener for...

I think it would be AMAZING if Theocracy opened for Dream Theater. That is one concert I would not miss for anything.
I'd love to see them split a venue with Edguy, Tobias might even appreciate the fact Matt considers him an influence and their styles are sort of similar.

Besides I think Sammet subconsciously aims for type of lyrics that Matt comes up with, but doesn't have what it takes.
I agree it would be cool with Edguy. I have such mixed feelings about Tobias Sammet, though. On one hand, the metal opera (Avantasia) albums are pretty much some of the best albums ever. On the other hand. the rest of Avantasia is pretty bad. And when it comes to Edguy about 50% of the songs are great and the rest are super boring. UGH. I wish I could just choose if I liked him or not.
I think it would be AMAZING if Theocracy opened for Dream Theater. That is one concert I would not miss for anything.

I would hate it. James Labrie is a horrible potty-mouth. I saw DT open for Iron Maiden and I must've heard over 1000 F-bombs from both him and Bruce Dickenson. That concert really turned me off to secular music. I usually just stick with Christian rock music now.

I'd like to see Theocracy open up for Tourniquet. That would be awesome.
I agree it would be cool with Edguy. I have such mixed feelings about Tobias Sammet, though. On one hand, the metal opera (Avantasia) albums are pretty much some of the best albums ever. On the other hand. the rest of Avantasia is pretty bad. And when it comes to Edguy about 50% of the songs are great and the rest are super boring. UGH. I wish I could just choose if I liked him or not.

I thought the early 2000s metal opera albums were kind of boring. A few good songs, not overly crazy about those discs. The Scarecrow on the other hand was a masterpiece.

Angel of Babylon / WIcked Symphony I think had about 3-4 good songs on each.

Personally, I'm a much bigger fan of Edguy than Avantasia. I've long considered Theater of Salvation the best album 80s Helloween never wrote.
Dream Theater I'm not so sure about. Don't get me wrong - they're a great band and they made one of my favorite albums ever, but I just don't think the two bands styles go together.

Somebody mentioned Shadow Gallery, which I think would work nicely - especially considering that SG has Christian elements in some of their songs. Sonata Arctica was also mentioned, which is another good choice. Theocracy actually did open for them once in Atlanta.

My ideal one would be Symphony X though. My two favorite male-fronted metal bands together would be pretty freaking sweet, and I think musically they make a good combination.
Portnoy from Dream Theater and Allen from Symphony X = Adrenaline Mob. Theocracy would be the perfect opener. Plus it's right here in ATL. This needs to happen!
My ideal one would be Symphony X though. My two favorite male-fronted metal bands together would be pretty freaking sweet, and I think musically they make a good combination.

A man after my own heart :kickass:

P.S. Sup everybody? It has been a while.