Theology It's fine due, Just saying these things can apply to all if they are taken correctly.
There is a lot of Christian music today that is very shallow and man centered. Matt's lyrics have a lot of biblical substance like the depravity of man and as Matt previously mentioned the imputed righteousness of Christ in Mirror of Souls, the battle between the flesh ruling and Christ ruling in our hearts in Theocracy, the promise of the new city where God will dwell with man in New Jerusalem, the sinful pride of man in Tower of Ashes. Every song has a message that causes one to think about their relationship with God. It is just so refreshing to hear music in this genre with such a good message. Praise God for Theocracy!
For example, with "Mirror of Souls" I was thinking about the concept of imputed righteousness and how God sees the sacrifice of Christ when He looks at a believer, which made me think about the mirror sans reflection idea, and it went on and on (and on and on) from there. "Absolution Day," well, there are thousands of songs about that topic, but I haven't seen one exactly like that with the courtroom setting.

Haha, not breaking new ground? Almost nobody is writing songs about imputed righteousness or the penal substitutionary atonement! I guess you might say you're not breaking new ground in the sense that these are eternal truths, but I don't even hear these things being sung about in this much detail in church! You have some of the most gospel centered, theologically sound music I hear coming out of anybody these days (with the exception of a few reformed rappers out there).

There is a lot of Christian music today that is very shallow and man centered. Matt's lyrics have a lot of biblical substance like the depravity of man and as Matt previously mentioned the imputed righteousness of Christ in Mirror of Souls, the battle between the flesh ruling and Christ ruling in our hearts in Theocracy, the promise of the new city where God will dwell with man in New Jerusalem, the sinful pride of man in Tower of Ashes. Every song has a message that causes one to think about their relationship with God. It is just so refreshing to hear music in this genre with such a good message. Praise God for Theocracy!

So true. :rock:
I am personally impressed, and somewhat jealous, at how easily Theocracy's songs communicate theological concepts.

The thing about it is, I'm a Biblical Studies student who is quite moderate, though many North American evangelicals would probably consider me radical/liberal. I don't fully agree with a lot of the traditional Protestant theology that I hear in Theocracy's music.

It's all about the delivery. In my opinion, Theocracy's music demonstrates clear understanding of the concepts tackled as well as excellent skill in communication. I don't agree with imputed righteousness, but that doesn't change the fact that "Mirror of Souls" is probably the best Christian rock song that I've ever heard, lyrics included.
So Matt, you must read a lot of theology books right? Ever read spurgeon, RC Sproul, CJ mahaney, Jonathan Edwards, or any other reformed theologian's books.
I just noticed something... I was reading my Bible the other day, in Romans, where Paul was talking about sin. It was Romans 7:19 -- "For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do." This sounds very familiar to a lyric in Laying The Demon To Rest -- "So, the things that I want to do, I find myself not doing but the things that I don't want to do, I fall into." That made me really impressed at how Matt puts relatively obscure Bible verses with deep meanings in his lyrics.
I just noticed something... I was reading my Bible the other day, in Romans, where Paul was talking about sin. It was Romans 7:19 -- "For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do." This sounds very familiar to a lyric in Laying The Demon To Rest -- "So, the things that I want to do, I find myself not doing but the things that I don't want to do, I fall into." That made me really impressed at how Matt puts relatively obscure Bible verses with deep meanings in his lyrics.

Yeah, I've noticed a couple of those. It's just because Matt is the focal point of all lyrical talent in the world.... the rest of the musical world just borrows his talent some ;)
Interesting that anyone would call that particular verse obscure...that's in my lexicon of often-paraphrased verses, and I've heard it enter many a sermon in my time.
Interesting that anyone would call that particular verse obscure...that's in my lexicon of often-paraphrased verses, and I've heard it enter many a sermon in my time.

Really? I've never heard it before. Then again, I haven't been really studying the Bible for very long. I just became much more religious a few months ago.