Theres no hope for my XXX !!!!!!!!

post of the year

If thats the post of the year you must not get very much action on here.

Anyway people naming amps with el34's. Okay,,,, They are different amps, You act like just because a fucking framus sounds good with el34's that a XXX is going to? No, IT might sound good to some people, But Ive ran into alot of people who just prefer a different flavor with the XXX. The el34's DO make the amp have a less smooth midrange compared to say a kt77 tube. I talked with the guy at eurotubes for a while about it, He actually said I should keep my tubes until I get use out of them but the fact that the upper mids are so harsh are in fact a big el34 factor with a XXX. Changing tubes will smooth the amp out he says whenever I do change them.

but once again thanks for the advice etc, etc, I am trying it all because I just bought the amp like new so I really want to work with it and make it shine.
If thats the post of the year you must not get very much action on here.

perhaps, yes...

but fortunately we also have little T3h Br00tulZ Ga1nZ Reno1r11!!!!1!!!!one!1uno1!!!!11!!dreiminuszwei11!!1 here....

I really love this board for how well all the forumites behave and how great the tips are you're getting here, no Trolls, no Idiots etc.
I hope there won't be too many 13yo HCAF-members come in the future....

sorry, not against you, but the ppl here really tried to help you and you acted like a 14yo dick and insulted them cause they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear.
Anyway people naming amps with el34's. Okay,,,, They are different amps, You act like just because a fucking framus sounds good with el34's that a XXX is going to? No, IT might sound good to some people, But Ive ran into alot of people who just prefer a different flavor with the XXX. The el34's DO make the amp have a less smooth midrange compared to say a kt77 tube. I talked with the guy at eurotubes for a while about it, He actually said I should keep my tubes until I get use out of them but the fact that the upper mids are so harsh are in fact a big el34 factor with a XXX. Changing tubes will smooth the amp out he says whenever I do change them.

but once again thanks for the advice etc, etc, I am trying it all because I just bought the amp like new so I really want to work with it and make it shine.

I thought my jsx sounded pretty good with el34s...and it is pretty much a xxx. Don't mean to anger you any more...just sayin. I doubt tubes are that much of an issue.
damn, this thread has some serious HCAF-potential...
I'd almost bet that I'd find the same thread if I looked over there at HCAF....
usually the forumates over here take tips nicer.... ;)

There are a few over there, just to let you know.... Good call....

I come here to get away from the HCAF vibe, yet it seems to be finding it's way here, ya know?
Buy a Tube Screamer, every amp you ever own will sound better with one in front of it, it's a tried and tested thing, by virtually everyone on here, and Colin Richardson, Andy Sneap, James Murphy, etc. And I think to be honest if you try one with your Triple XXX and you're still not pleased, then either :-

A. You're not putting the time in to tweak your settings like fuck to get the tone you want. Triple XXX's have an active EQ, where extreme settings, that seem really fucked up, may sound awesome.


B. The Triple XXX isn't the amp for you, if you don't like the tone that people have got with the amps, such as the clip from everybody's x, then I think you need to look to a different amp.

How long have you had this amp?
75s have somewhat of a scooped sound... I think they are best for live playing than something with 30s in it.

I heard the 5150 throught a celestion 75 loaded cab and it sounded great.

And I tried the boost today, Im not too impressed about it.
With the gain on about 2 boost all the way up and gain off
on the pedal, Tried different settings, There were things I liked
but there were also things I didnt like about it... Seemed to smooth
it out, But didnt really help the chainsaw sound. Only time I get
the amp to sound the way Id like is when Its at lower levels
when I turn it up the cut starts coming in and I adjust the controls
but removing the harshness loses other parts of the tone that is needed.

So I think im just a 5150 guy and Maybe I should stick to that.
...OH and i wish everybody would get off their high horses about the word brutal.

It is a word I use to describe a sound, or a band.

And the brewtal gainz!!11!! shit is sooooo old now.

Yes, I do want a brutal sound, That doesnt mean a completely
scooped mids with buzzsaw high end and overpowering bass.
Come on. NO Doesnt mean i wanna tune to x minor and use
piano strings on my guitar.

It does mean i want a brutal distortion though. Thick and
rich with harmonic content.

I get some awesome pinch harmonics and some really nice
sounds out of the XXX, But it seems that the 5150 has more
of both... So its a better meet in the middle between some of
the things I like about an XXX. The 5150 boosted or unboosted really
with a new set of JJ tubes... Is thick and full of what I call brutal tone.

And thats unbiased, Machine heads amps were obviously unbiased...
And boosted. 5150 tone through 75 celestions.

Thats what I call brutal. This XXX isnt gonna get into that territory
or more live bands would use them. Not just a couple like exodus and
suffocation,,,, And alotta country bands according to the peavey site.

?... It means not biased.

You know... amp biasing.
Machine heads arent biased.
And the tone is crushing.

That was all i was saying.

The reason I keep ranting is probably
because I just bought the amp and
i feel bad for selling/trading it so soon
for something I already had. Plus I like
the knob layout and the nice footswitch
but damn the distortion on the 5150
just blew it away...

My dream sound is probably a pair of 5150s
set up a little differently running them at the same time.

Or if i kept this XXX and made it sound good, A 5150 with
it would be awesome, If the XXX would start sounding better,
I think the shuguang el34's are just not a great el34 tube.
Im gonna give this amp a chance with a set of jj tubes
either kt77 or 6l6. Kinda wanna do 6l6 so if I sell it i
can use the tubes in a 5150.

But I cant justify selling it without switching for better tubes first.
Until then I will deal with the sucky midrange honk.
:OMG: ....tubes have to be biased in order to operate. There is a bias mod for 5150s that some people have to make them a bit hotter. Perhaps you misunderstood something involving this? You are also talking like changing tubes will change the tone completely...different types of tubes in the same amp will do very little to the sound. Yes it will change, but not THAT much.