These dying family threads are flooding the board with sad, I make a happy thread.

Matt made this... notice my terrible hand placements.

March 2007 however, is brilliant.
Good music, excellent news about Stinky's health, good concerts, sports, useful insights,
my birthday and my yearly wake up call:

Yay happy thread! That's great haha. With the exception of what just happened, my grandmother passing away this month started out really nicely. Last Saturday night I went bowling with my boyfrrrrrieeend Zack duh zmetallineedsochangehisusernamebecausethisoneisjustjustjustuhhh, and Steve, Eleanor and Tara (they are all friends yay!). It was pretty awesome.
my month varied from extremely good to extremely bad, but no one died which is always cool when no one dies.
xxxxxxxx you are a pussy for not posting that logged in. Moreover black people are awesome

Spoken like a brainwashed bitch from a county that adopted MLK as their government icon. hahaha
That will be "stylin" on the side of the county vehicles and county stationary!
I've had a pretty good month so far. Lots and lots of overtime, which showed up on this paycheck today... and I must say, I'm glad I can go drinking tonight and not have to worry about money.
the first half of march was pretty sweet. saw a few awesome shows like Ludicra/Giant Squid and The Sword (see them they rule so much more live than on the album, which also rules muchly) and played a show last week. work has been relatively slow, and ive been smokin lots of hash! this weekend im going out to the coast. only thing thats not so cool is its getting hot already.