The "controversial opinions" thread!

right, in this thread there must be absolutely no replies to other threads, dont want to see any discussion of any topic anyone brings up.

the idea is just for everyone to list things (and a brief bit saying why and thats it). its a thread to say things uncontested and be opinionated as much as you want. if you disagree keep it to yourself and do your own post saying your own views.

lets not get too over the top (i think most people know where things are going to cause SERIOUS offence), and lets all take everything with a pinch of salt :)

right, ill kick us off (more to come in time no doubt):

- HD TV is a con. sure its a bit clearer but the fact you get charged a subscription to have it makes it is a joke. I don't remember them charging you to watch in colour when that came available and that to me is a far more noticable difference. the difference between analogue tv and digital tv is more noticable too IMO. the ad's for HD make out as if it will change your life once you have it, and you are missing out if you dont. at the end of the day its exactly the same, just a bit sharper. just crooks after your money. that said im a hypocrite as I'm still continuing to pay for it, and if something is available in HD, I'll watch it in that. just saying its easy money for them.

- Diet coke and coke zero only exist so that boys and girls have a drink of their own each. really they should only need one "alternative" and market that to both. instead they just adjust the formula twice, then have 2 teams trying to market them to different genders. waste of time. both taste like shit compared to real coke anyway.

- when phone operators improve internet services, people will skype (or similar) people instead of calling (maybe why they are changing data plans, from unlimited to limited).

- michael jackson, while one of the all time great musicians still did some terrible things and had incredibly weird moments that should never be forgotten when people talk about him. great dancer also.

- a clean home is a happy home, and a happy wife means a happy life - i believe there is a link.

- driving is to expensive. car tax, road tax, petrol tax, road tolls, congestion charges, parking fines, speeding fines, MOT's, insurance still dont put people off driving enough to use public transport.

- lady gaga has yet to release a bad song.

- the same can be said of girls aloud.

- the english written press, is for the most part scum.

- prostitution should be legalized here to reduce unemployment and to help balance the economic defecit.
The pope is most assuredly guilty of pedophilia or assisting it, by this logic:

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those like you and me who are completely repulsed by the idea of touching children like that, and those who condone it. Nobody is just "OK" with pedophilia... It's never some "it's not for me but it's not my place to judge what others do in their spare time" kind of thing.
1. Weed should be legalized so that more people get stoned and spend less time caring about useless shit.

2. EXACTLY what jeff said

3. The military not enlisting someone because they are deaf in one ear and have been their whole life makes no sense to me, When soldiers overseas get the same condition due to warfare circumstances, and are still allowed to be in full active duty. However, the guy who tried enlisting and got shot down cuz he was deaf, has been deaf in said ear since birth and is 100% adapted to it, probably even better than the active duty soldiers who just recently acquired the injury .

4. That natalie halloway guy whining like a little pussy when the world knows damn well he killed 2 people.

5. The NJ government for fucking my mom over more then enough times for me to count. When less qualified lazy fucks get all these funds and shit just for being a lazy fat fuck that wont get off their fucking asses and make something of themselves. <---There's alot more to that but i could go for days so i'm gonna leave it like it is, you wanna know more, pm me
Most drugs should be legalised purely to make the unemployed get jobs instead of sitting on their arses and selling weed 'on the side' for money whilst the rest of us are working with real jobs.
Direct democracy is a terrible idea on large scales, as the state of CA and it's absolutely fucking deplorable budget SNAFU is proof. This is because most people are retarded and should not be able to vote, period, let alone directly on legislative issues.

On that note, 18 is too young an age to vote. I know full well that I'd be livid if I weren't allowed to vote as an educated (in political science/economics, nonetheless), informed, tax-paying, productive member of my society, but I would also GLADLY give up my right to vote to prevent 5-10 of the dipshits who go to my school (which is not a bad school, either) from voting.

Of course, this presents the issue of politicians not catering to anyone under 21, because their vote would matter even less than it did now, but then again most people under 21 are total leeches anyway.
I am sick and tired of inflation and taxes being raised on middle class people so bitches (insert CEO name here) can fuck whores and drive BMW's

I hate the fucking heat in Las Vegas but I love the money

I hate ...... everything
- Most of the metal community aren't half as intelligent as they would like to think they are or that they'd like their musical preferences to imply.

- Subsequently liking or disliking bands like Meshuggah does not make a person more or less intelligent.

- From a purely productive stand point this forum can be a complete waste of time.

- Theres never any real point in discussing anything halfway important because everyones already made up their mind anyway or realistically don't give a shit.

- Computer games give a misguided sense of achievement when all they do is waste time.

- Drinking is not a legitimate hobby. People who would list it as such are really fucking shit.

- Personal religion is perfectly acceptable and viable, organised religion is just someone using the aforementioned to manipulate people into following an agenda.
- britain has produced a uniquely HUGE amount of great bands/musicians/producers/great albums to the world considering its relative size/population.

- jonathan ross should not be leaving the bbc, for the good of the nation.

- the sooner itv ceases to exist, the better. as a 21 year old, and beyond their abysmal coverage of football there is NOTHING on that channel that appeals to me. and I don't recall there ever being. on the flipside the bbc is brilliant and must surely be the worlds best broadcaster.

- sky1 continually try and push tv series' and one off's that will almost always dissappoint. far to many of them are shows with only one word (and often one syllable). some examples bones, house, fringe, lost. sky1 will also in my opinion the next channel to show big brother after channel 4 is ending it (if indeed it does continue).

- it is possible to tell which football team someone supports just from their personality alone, and without actually being told or shown who. when people are visiting the same area with roughly the same people on a regular basis, their views/opinions/mannerisms will gradually converge into a similar kind of personality.

- football is the sport of the world, and it makes me unhappy that it hasn't caught on in the US. I believe that is down to the country being too big - to generate any interest the teams would be too spread out around the country making it impossible to travel everywhere with them. even 1 team per state would be 50 teams (over 2 divisions of teams), and that would still mean most people would be a long way from even their local team, let alone be in a position to be able to travel to every away match in a season. It has been popular over europe for example, as most countries are small enough to be able to travel all over by road.
-Objective statements about art don't change subjective opinions-- If someone doesn't like something it's doubtful you can't explain it until they do.
-Female death vocals are always terrible.
Öwen;9178203 said:
- Computer games give a misguided sense of achievement when all they do is waste time.

Don't know if you're being serious here , but I would say "pass" time. I mean we all have to do something for fun now and then , without fun we would all go insane. Of course too much of anything is never a good thing, but I hate old people's views on video games like they rot the brain , when 95% of the time they actually make you think , improve hand eye coordination and eye/brain signal (I am almost totally blind in my left eye and my eye doctor actually tells me to play them with a patch over my good eye , among other things for 3 hours every day so it doesn't get any worse) . Besides most old people do nothing but watch TV all day , as if that is somehow better than playing video games , and they wonder why they all end up with Alzheimers. Video games constantly teach you to play in different ways and solve puzzles.

So in conclusion , playing a few hours a week is not worthless , it passes time and may keep your brain active enough to prevent Alzheimer's!
- Voting for a government/president should only be allowed for people who have passed an exam where your political, environmental and economic knowledge level is measured
- No religion should have any say in any matter whatsoever, especially political
- Athletes who get caught for illegal substances should be permanently banned from any official competitions
- Politicians who get caught for illegal activities should be permanently banned from any political work
- there is an underlying reason there is a lack of female producers/mixing engineers/etc, although I don't know the exact reason and I dont think anyone "knows". I do think its related to the other facts like number of professionals in other lines of work.

- (many) women have a way of flipping out/going crazy that is almost impossible for ANY male to achieve.
Don't know if you're being serious here , but I would say "pass" time. I mean we all have to do something for fun now and then , without fun we would all go insane. Of course too much of anything is never a good thing, but I hate old people's views on video games like they rot the brain , when 95% of the time they actually make you think , improve hand eye coordination and eye/brain signal (I am almost totally blind in my left eye and my eye doctor actually tells me to play them with a patch over my good eye , among other things for 3 hours every day so it doesn't get any worse) . Besides most old people do nothing but watch TV all day , as if that is somehow better than playing video games , and they wonder why they all end up with Alzheimers. Video games constantly teach you to play in different ways and solve puzzles.

So in conclusion , playing a few hours a week is not worthless , it passes time and may keep your brain active enough to prevent Alzheimer's!

The ending of Lost sucked and failed to wrap up the show in a creative, intelligent way. :eek:
Metal is mainstream.

Having speakers on both sides of your computer screen doesn't mean that you own a studio... Fucktard.
More a personal thing than a broad statement, thats the way I feel about them after I've played, I always resent the time (I feel) I've wasted (and the false sense of achievement/completion of some menial button bashing task) when that could have gone into something halfway productive. To an extent this forum gives me the same feeling for the time I spend on it (altogether too often). "Passed time" is not something I'd want to put on my tombstone.