
Rob Logic

May 16, 2006
Newport News, VA
Are you gonna post up that gnarly Theocracy Christmas medley this year for everyone that hasn't heard it?

(Theocracy is the band, TheStoryteller had nothing to do with it even though his new band is awesome. As Matt replied, it is his song and his band, sorry for any confusion Matt)
DUDE!!! That owns so fuckin hard.
Finally christmas music that doesn't blow.
Props and half to you and whomever else created this monster.

+1 dude, this stuff is so tits. I especially dig the groove/lead melody on "We Three Kings" (and can't keep a straight face writing that :lol:). How'd you get that defined string attack sound on the lead when it gets soft, before the verse? It almost sounds like you had a mic pointing at the pick as well as the amp, it's kickass!

EDIT: At 7:52, when he says "his gospel is pe-EEEEACCEEE" with that Michael Jackson falsetto, holy god, me and my roommate are in tears right now :lol:. Also, I like the guitars, but they sound pretty digital; was this a pod/sansamp?
The vocals really stand out to me on this moreso than any other instrument. It reminds me of a bastard child of Stryper and Rhapsody.
I like the guits as well, they have a sort of digital sound, but if it is in fact a pod or whatever else, than you did a good job on making it sound not pod like.
I'm working on a festive MP3 too :D should be done tomorrow1 :D

Done to celebrate my first xmas with my lass and a strange conversation with Jarkko! :lol:
That's me singing. I think the guitars were's been awhile. We played it at our show last Saturday and brought the house down; it was awesome. Glad you guys like.

You singing? That's very good indeed.
Will have to downl..... buy the Theocracy album.

Couldn't you make an album like TSO? I believe they make a good living playing live their stuff.

Do you sing on more albums?
A little bit of Styx influence on the vocals there? :) Actually, I like your stuff. I first heard Theocracy back on one of the ProPower compilation CD's, some time ago. Great job!