They made a V for Vendetta novel...

Dec 27, 2004
...based on the movie.

UGH GAYEST THING EVER! No wonder Alan Moore fucking dissasociated himself with the entire project.
hey fucknuts ... the boss is looking for you ... stop reading trash and write a reco :loco:
I'm a poser 'cause I plan on seeing V for Vendetta and will likely enjoy it thoroughly and have not read the graphic novel
Chromatose said:
I'm a poser 'cause I plan on seeing V for Vendetta and will likely enjoy it thoroughly and have not read the graphic novel

No blame there but you really should read the V novel because its such a good example of why the Comic Medium is so unique, the things you can do with it. I really don't see how they are gonna do it any justice in the movie, though I'm sure the movies gonna be fucking baddass in its own right no doubt.
they managed to do a pretty good job with sin city i thought, although i never looked at the graphic novels until after i saw the movie...i need to check this out
cthulufhtagn said:
they managed to do a pretty good job with sin city i thought, although i never looked at the graphic novels until after i saw the movie...i need to check this out

Haha, yea, but Frank Miller didn't get jist of the Sin City movie and go "Uhhhhhh, fuck you guys, don't even mention my fucking name in association with this movie." Which is what Alan Moore did, hahah. Which is a pretty big bummer, sort of frustrating seeing the preview say "From the minds of the Wachamacalit brothers." As if they came up with the amazing story you're all about to witness when you see it.

Seriously the comic is on par with 1984 or fahrenheit 451, as far as distopias go. Its so. fucking. good.

So if you like those type of stories, pick it up nownownow. Can't miss it, cuz now they print it with "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" in huge letters on the cover.

"Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot..."

(an example of the literary/poetic/play references V uses throughout the book, and uses them fucking brilliantly.)


For all that have read the book: One scene that I think will transfer to film really well is when V is "conducting" the explosions of London on his balcony. Oh man oh man oh man.
V for Vendetta is awesome, especially when the masked dude is reading V by Thomas Pynchon.

I let someone borrow my graphic novel 4 years ago. Where the fuck is it? :mad:
Dick Sirloin said:
V for Vendetta is awesome, especially when the masked dude is reading V by Thomas Pynchon.

I let someone borrow my graphic novel 4 years ago. Where the fuck is it? :mad:

Haha, dude I pass my trade paperbacks around like crazy, they're spread out throuhg all of my friends, I know the feelings. Gotta spread the love, but I want the love back =(.
cthulufhtagn said:
k i'm checking this out...possibly going to a comics con this sunday so we'll see :tickled:

Hell yea, get like 5 of each free thing and send packages to all the comic book fans on RC! Pwease :cry: haha
I'll do it at the next con I go to.
Haha, yea, but Frank Miller didn't get jist of the Sin City movie and go "Uhhhhhh, fuck you guys, don't even mention my fucking name in association with this movie." Which is what Alan Moore did, hahah. Which is a pretty big bummer, sort of frustrating seeing the preview say "From the minds of the Wachamacalit brothers." As if they came up with the amazing story you're all about to witness when you see it.

Seriously the comic is on par with 1984 or fahrenheit 451, as far as distopias go. Its so. fucking. good.

So if you like those type of stories, pick it up nownownow. Can't miss it, cuz now they print it with "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" in huge letters on the cover.

"Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot..."

(an example of the literary/poetic/play references V uses throughout the book, and uses them fucking brilliantly.)


For all that have read the book: One scene that I think will transfer to film really well is when V is "conducting" the explosions of London on his balcony. Oh man oh man oh man.

awesome, I am definitely intrigued in reading this. I hadn't even heard of it before tbh until I was reading about the movie last week

cheers to Tully's recommendation hahahah