Thick clanky Bass

There's a midi pickup on that bass, that probably made the process a lot easier. Damn, I've never heard a jazz bass sound like that before, sounds clanky as fuck. Usually I associate clank with P basses.
Possibly, there might be 0% natural bass in this. I'm pretty convinced that the tone I'm hearing isn't a Jazz tone. I'm hoping Joey can chime in on this.

Watch the above video. That HAS TO BE the same bass... just cleaner and obviously only DI in the video sound..

Maybe the low-end portion of it is 'programmed' but all of the grit and twang is from THAT particular J-Bass played by that dude...

I was just listening to the raw DI of the bass for the last band we had in here. Had a mid-level Ibby BTB bass I believe, BUT the sound is IMMENSE. Tons of twang and as Ermz says, just the raw DI gave me a hard-on.

Guess why?

I realized this particular dude had changed his bass strings a DAY prior to recording... first time I've witnessed this in my studio but will now be MANDATORY... =D

BTW, we've borrowed a 5-stringer J just like that one from work and it is FUCKING BRUTALLLLLLLLLLLLL.
might be a really really dumb question, but to all the guys that split the bass into DI (lows) and ampsim (highs) you add an impulse after the sim? what's your favorite? the catharsis ones are my go-to impulses for guitar nowadays, but i'm unsure about bass.
also, what if you're reamping it through an distortion pedal of some sort....still adding an impulse?

Every "bass" thread that comes up are answered with the usual comments you can find here in this latest "bass" thread but this question has never been answered, which I also asked in one of the last "bass" threads. So once again...I would love to know the answer to this also?
Every "bass" thread that comes up are answered with the usual comments you can find here in this latest "bass" thread but this question has never been answered, which I also asked in one of the last "bass" threads. So once again...I would love to know the answer to this also?

Answer to what?
I think I have mentioned UAD about 3 times in this thread already.

Someone else also said Preflex or Nigel (cant remember which) and thats the UAD plug that I am referring to about bass tones.
Sorry, thought it was pretty clear about what i was asking

After whatever sim being used on the copy DI are you guys using impules
Or the built in cabs in say SVX?