
Pleasant clear voice on Over mount and valley and on long forgotten summers. Love melodies and changing ambiances on Enemies :loco:
Listened to all 3 tracks, the growls in the track that has growls came quite unexpected and made me chuckle a bit I must admit ;) But overal I must say your guitarplaying is good (as far as I can judge as a non-guitarplayer), I like the melodies and your singing voice is not so bad either.

The whole mood reminds me of Eliott Smith actually.
Haha, thanks MadTinus. I was on the phone with my best friend as he was listening to those songs, too, and the growls made him chuckle, too. Actually, 'Enemies' wasn't written to include growls, but the two places that have them were more like, 'I'm not sure what to sing here, so... scream/growl!'

Anyway, thanks for your compliments and for listening. I'm glad you enjoyed.
I think you shouldn't growl at all.You have some brilliant clean vocal melodies.And you have to keep them up I think.Especially that catchy chorus in Enemies really kicks ass.Your voice is good too.But I think you must find a guitarist to play them for you and help you with the songwriting,arrangements,structures and all.This can be something more serious than a one man band.But you shouldn't do the highs(the ones that are like Hansi I mean).The high notes in Enemies are really good.That's all me thinks...
Hey man, thank you so much for listening and for your thoughtful feedback. I really appreciate it. I'd like some clarification on a couple of things, though.

The growls don't seem to be such a big hit so far, so no mystery there. When you say that I should find a guitarist to play them for me, do you mean that I should move away from guitar, or what? 'Cause I don't think I could do that, after having played for like 12 years now. =P But if you mean that I should find a guitarist to play with me, then I'm in complete agreement. It'd also be nice to get songwriting input and ideas from somebody else, so I also agree with that statement. Although I think I can get pretty set in how I want something to sound.... =]

As far as the high notes like Hansi does, no, I definitely could never pull those off, so I don't even try. The Blind Guardian influence was much more apparent several years ago; it mostly remains in my vocal harmonies. I don't mean to suggest that they approach BG-level, but that was something that always struck me as awesome about their music, so I came away thinking, 'Vocal harmonies = awesome.' So I try to incorporate them a lot, although not as much as in the past.


Thanks again for listening and critiquing. Peace. \m/

Edit: I just realized that the 'Hansi high notes' that you were talking about must be those falsetto notes in 'Long-Forgotten Summers'. Yeah, those didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, although I really like that melody that requires them (for me, anyway - my range sucks). That song's going to get redone, though; it was hastily recorded the first time.
listened to summers and it was pretty good (except for the growl part, sorry =\)
early on your growls are fine. after you do your higher ones it seems that you lose the full sound we like to hear from a growler.

you have very nice singing voice. i would like to hear full arrangements with drums and bass if you ever get to that point. i think your song writing could go a long way.
Hey man, thank you so much for listening and for your thoughtful feedback. I really appreciate it. I'd like some clarification on a couple of things, though.

The growls don't seem to be such a big hit so far, so no mystery there. When you say that I should find a guitarist to play them for me, do you mean that I should move away from guitar, or what? 'Cause I don't think I could do that, after having played for like 12 years now. =P But if you mean that I should find a guitarist to play with me, then I'm in complete agreement. It'd also be nice to get songwriting input and ideas from somebody else, so I also agree with that statement. Although I think I can get pretty set in how I want something to sound.... =]

As far as the high notes like Hansi does, no, I definitely could never pull those off, so I don't even try. The Blind Guardian influence was much more apparent several years ago; it mostly remains in my vocal harmonies. I don't mean to suggest that they approach BG-level, but that was something that always struck me as awesome about their music, so I came away thinking, 'Vocal harmonies = awesome.' So I try to incorporate them a lot, although not as much as in the past.


Thanks again for listening and critiquing. Peace. m/

Edit: I just realized that the 'Hansi high notes' that you were talking about must be those falsetto notes in 'Long-Forgotten Summers'. Yeah, those didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, although I really like that melody that requires them (for me, anyway - my range sucks). That song's going to get redone, though; it was hastily recorded the first time.

I was talking about a guitar player that is playing the songs with you of course.And yes I was talking about the vocals in Long Forgotten Summers.I think you should go in the same direction with Enemies.I must say that ıt'is really stuck somewhere in my head and I've been singing it all day:) good work.But again I have to say you must turn this project into sth. more serious (maybe a band) instead of keeping it a one man band.Cheerz.!
@-Hedon: Thanks man. Yeah, that song will be reworked in due time (or replaced with a different one).

@D3v4S7A710N: Ah, all right, I'll keep that in mind. I've actually been having some trouble getting really good-sounding growls lately. I don't know, I might need to give my harsh voice a rest so it can recover, or something. I'm glad you liked my clean vocals, though, especially since I've been having doubts about them, too. One day, hopefully, I'll be able to provide you a 'real band' version - that's the goal, anyway.

@themourner13: I'm really stoked that you're enjoying this/these song(s) as much as you are. \m/ I do want to take it to 'the next level', but honestly the problem is finding drummers/bassists/second guitarists who are on the same page as me. I believe in these songs, and I want a band to perform them, but I don't want to 'domineer' others into playing them. And, given my limited means of recording/rehearsing, working solo is the most convenient way to go right now. But I wouldn't hesitate to make Thiestru a full band if the opportunity arose; I never intended it to be a solo project in the first place.

Well, thanks to all of you who've listened and taken the time to critique and share your thoughts. It's very encouraging (even the not-quite-positive feedback) and inspiring. At least now I know that my friends and I aren't the only ones who might enjoy this stuff, and that means a great deal. ^_^
Hey everyone, I've uploaded the revised version of 'Enemies' to MySpace. I redid some of the vocals, added some harmonies, made the guitars sound fuller, and cut out a growl. =P I think this version is better than the previous one, but let me know what you think. Thanks!