Things I never want to see or hear on another metal album again.


Jan 11, 2006
Yeah... a spam friendly thread:

--Never want to hear "Night" rhymed with "Light" ever. again.
I like it just fine, but if there was a complete ban on Dragons, Demons, and Wizards I'd be fine...of course that eliminates new albums from Hammerfall, Manowar, Rhapsody, etc...but seriously....

I would also like to request a limit put on bands who write their name in such a way that you can't actually read it. Granted, that is typically for our more extreme friends in the genre, but I can't be scared of your band if I can't tell what it says.
Enough of the freakin singing through the harmonica microphones. That horse was beaten to death in the 90's, yet 'hip' producers still think it's cool (ie Evergrey's new cd which I do really like otherwise).
urinalcakemix said:
Im tired of Double bass drumming. NO MORE

I'm tired of Power metal bass drumming, it's fine when its actually used correctly (pretty much anything thta's not power metal drumming... death, progressive, etc)
BlindPanzer said:
I'm tired of Power metal bass drumming, it's fine when its actually used correctly (pretty much anything thta's not power metal drumming... death, progressive, etc)

Yea, it bugs me to hear the same 16th note DB patterns CONSTANT, that and the 1 (2) 3E (4) 1 (2) 3E (4) - 2/4 = snare, 1,3E = Kicks.

Im much more interested in spicier drumming - like Martin Lopez' and his Latin influence in Opeth is magical
scooterSST said:
How about no more albums like Metallica's St. Anger period...

How about just no more Metallica? I'm honestly scared that if you open the new album once it's released, it will release a black hole, and suck your soul inside.
How about no more pics of you and your band in the middle of the woods doused in corpse paint on the album sleeve? I know you're awesome because you can kill people using the power of the darklord and shit, but save it for the live show.
I don't want to hear fire and higher rhymed again. I also don't really want to see any more mattias noren covers being used by prog bands. Nothing against him but he is being extremly overdone (I realize he is quick and affordable and does a good effort) but enough already. There are other things but thats all i'll go into for now.
No more songs without a memorable chorus.

No more albums where every song starts with yaaaaaaaaaaa!

No more albums where it's the same blast beat the whole way through (yes, Death metal, I'm talking to you here)