Things my girlfriend and I have argued about

Hehehe, funny stuff, but..

Her fondness for stripping totally naked and going into a room with a group of equally nude men - acquaintances or total strangers, she doesn't care which - to get sweaty. Or 'a sauna', as she likes to call it.

What's so special or irritating about this? :)
Brits...! :heh: :heh:
That's it. That's their thing - they apparently just argue.
See if you can spot the difference between these two statements: (a) "Those trousers make your backside look fat." (b) "You're a repellently obese old hag upon whom I am compelled to heap insults and derision - depressingly far removed from the 'stupid, squeaky, pocket-sized English women' who make up my vast catalogue of former lovers and to whom I might as well return right now as I hate everything about you." Maybe the acoustics were really bad in the dining room, or something.
Although, I do love the sense of dry British bitterness that seeps through the entire LONG page of writing about his arguments with his girlfriend. Can you say "obsession"?
"But it's not just the vasectomy thing per se that gets me primed for the approaching row. First is the fact she tries to sell it by saying "Well, [one of her idiot friend]'s [stupid husband] had it." - like that's going to carry any weight. I have a fair number of female friends who're up for two-women-one-man, three-in-a-bed romps - but I'm not going to make much headway with that argument, am I? "

"I came home from work on Friday and, as I wearily opened the door into the house, Peter heard me entering and poked his head out of the living room.
'Hello, Papa - I've missed you.' he shouts. From within the living room Margret's voice calls out to him 'No you haven't, Peter.'"

As vile and repulsive as I find the practice of saying lol, I in fact did when I read that one.
I think it's funny, although I doubt its complete veracity. Anyway...
I can almost understand the degree of harshness when you say "Sometimes, though, she goes completely Margret..." I mean, if you're naming an extreme emotion after her...haha, that's got to be tough. And what's the deal with men wanting to wear women's underwear?! I didn't get even a quarter of the way through that list of reasons why you two argue. So, you're in it for the long haul I take it. You're NOT going to end it. How loyal and true yet crazy of you. :p Good luck, man!