Things to do in Toronto...yes, its me yapping away again!


Serpent Headed Mask
Nov 24, 2002
Righto, Torontarians (hehehe what a name!)

Can you people think of things to do in this city? I actually arrived yesterday, and I'm trying to think of what I can do. I've been to the CN tower a couple of times, so I don't really feel in the need to go there again. I've also seen the Blue Jays before.

Can anyone make any suggestions as to what an English Metal Head can do while in Toronto?
So are you going to be outside the venue for hours queueing and waiting for them?

I did that in London, and got met Mikael :)

If so, I may join you...if you'll let me hehe
You should check out queen street and young street.

On top of that, go to englinton station on the sub way, its very nice there. alot of good nature, and also has alot to do. Go to Big Slice Pizza on young, right next to the HMV, check out the HMV at the metal section, they have some good deals, like 3 cds for $33 um also on queen go to the reverb and see if there are any good metal shows. Go to pizza pizza and get a pizza with there dipping sauce that is very brutal! Over all take the subway to diffrent places, you can go to scarbrought town center, or fairview mall, there is quite a bit to do in those area and there not as crowdad! If you want a realy good hamburger go to the Fairview mall subway station or sheaperd station and take bus 85 to a place called Johnys hamburgers. Fucking great food! Its in between Sheaperd and Vanhorn. Or when you see the rogers video and the pizza pizza. SO much good stuff to do in toronto. I used to live there for a while
Tindor do you mean outside the Music Hall tomorrow?

I'll be in my Deliverance European Tour shirt, and my hair is tied back in a little pony tail thing (lol!)
Haha, nice one! :)

Do you know what time your going to turn up and start queueing? Doors are at 8pm I'm guessing...I mean it says that on the ticket doesn't it?
Beast In Flames said:
Ain't the show at the Opera House??

No, its at the Danforth Music Hall!

It WAS at the Opera House at one point, then it was changed to the Bluma Appel Theatre, and now its at the Danforth Music Hall.
Tindor said:
i'm probaly going to show up around 5:30-6:00
i'm shopping for a mutlieffects pedal so i'm going be in toronto all day

Yeah, I may well turn up somewhere near that time frame. I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of the day though :confused: