things you fuckin HATE

Punk/oi and English football hooligans have a strange bond?
Cockney Rejects,Skrewdriver,The Four Skins,Cock Sparrer,The Business & The Last Resort all had a very hard core fan base of football thugs,there input is actually what also created the N/Y/H/C design it was stolern or copied is a bit more polite from the WEST HAM UNITED hooligan group known as the I/C/F who used a British Railway's badge like a 'x' One of the biggest oi bands The Cockney Rejects were heavly connected with I/C/F in more way's than 1...
now I must admit the history lesson is now over,& I dont know a great deal off punk but I do know about the I/C/F.....
SHIT this is a bit of a strange post from me!!!
Hey T-Dude I play Running Back now i'm a bit more used to the game!!??



Arg_Hamster said:
British football hooligans are fucking annoying. They shouldn´t be allowed outside the islands.
1. college liberals who know everything and have all the answers to all of our problems, yet have never been out on their own in the real world where ideals never pay bills.
2. people who vote based solely on the party that promises to give them more of other peoples money
3. cockteaser slutbags
4. people who are more pissed about paying $2.30 for a gallon of gas than they are about the government taking 14% of their paychecks by force for a failed social security system
5. people who spend $300 per month on lottery tickets and then bitch about not being 'fortunate' enough to have enough money for retirement.
6. people who followed a trend of buying huge gas-guzzling suv's who now are pissed at the president because they cant afford gas.
7. vegans, some of the most miserable fucks on the planet
8. people who think they have a right to not ever be offended by anything
9. eye crust in the morning
10. sweet potatos in any form
11. people who worship celebrities
12. celebrities who have all of the answers to every problem on earth despite living in a fantasy world detached from reality
13. french people
14. charlie horses
15. when some fuck puts a dent in your car in a parking lot and takes off
16. when the person you are driving with parks 1.5 miles away from where you are going to avoid such dents, esp. during summertime in georgia
17. georgia summers, 6 months of 80 degree or higher temps
18. georgia winters, 2 weeks of cold weather
19. the green bay packers and their retarded fans.
20. cat people
colorado avalanche
florida gators
the middle east and southwest asia
natural light
all these touchy feely people who complain about seeing janet jacksons tits on TV
People who cried for terri schivo
people who protested at terri shivos hospice
the FCC
people who drive with their high beams on
english food
people who walk barefoot into a public restroom
my wife
- People who claim to hate being discriminated and having beliefs forced on them by a group who then advocate the murder of all involved with said group while being far more evangelical than the group they bitch about.

- Anybody, especially Americans, with credit cards that have no math skills. I'm sorry, but I lost so much faith in your guys' schools after I started doing customer service for Amex... So many people who don't get the concept of 1+1=2, let alone 1-1-1+1=0.

- Emo.

- Lame-ass modern "hardcore" bands. You're not really hardcore. You try to be hardcore and metal at the same time, but you're not crossover either. 99.999999999% of the time, you're total shit. Unless your M.O.D., Cryptic Slaughter, DRI, Corrosion of Conformity, Agnostic Front, or one of many late 80s crossover/hardcore bands, then shut the fuck up and learn to play more than "chuggachuggachugga-eeheeheeh" for fags who don't know if they want to fight or figure skate.

- Modern "hardcore" kids. Fuck, just because you're all sexually confused doesn't mean you all have to wear capri pants, eyeliner, and hit on me. Seriously... Next male hardcore kid that tries to grab my package gets a boot in the head... And I ain't talkin' no pussy misplaced spin kick either.

- Avril Lavigne, Ashlee Simpson, et al. It's funny how some people, many of whom are roughly my age, can be the exact opposite of everything I stand for, as well as completely lacking in anything remotely resembling talent. I'm so disgusted by them that I wouldn't even fuck them if given the opportunity.

That's all for now.
Poser Pop Punk crap like Suk 41 and Blink 182 (what's with the fuckin' numbers already?!)
Ashton Kutcher
Justin Timberlake
Whiny Bleeding-heart Liberal idiots
Anyone who tries to tell me I should have "compassion" for illegal immigrants
Andy Dick
Snivelling immigrants who play "the race card" every time they don't get their way
Julia Roberts (donkey-faced butt-oogly MUTT!)
People who walk under awnings with umbrellas when it's pouring rain--especially short little turds who almost poke my damn eyes out with said umbrella
East Indiggers
Shit Hop
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who says "Bling-bling"
Homos who insist they be allowed to display their faggotry in public
My upstairs neighbors
Cowardly internerds who talk shit on the 'net knowing they'll never have to back it up in person---PUSSIES!
Assholes who go around flaming people on forums because they're inept social retards with absolutely no life or any redeeming qualities whatsoever
Certain pompous BM trolls whose over-inflated sense of self-importance makes their so-called "Elitism" both sad and pathetic
Holy-fuckin'-hell, I could go on for HOURS...!