Anti-Emo Riots Break Out Across Mexico

I really don't see an over abundance of this "metalhead" stereotype embodiment- male or female- alot of you seem to gripe about, at least not at most of the places I've been to (which is mainly east coast areas for me).
If you make your entire persona about looking like a pussy, you're really just asking for it.

Should I make assumptions about your personality based on your affectation of a bullet belt, a denim jacket with band patches, omnipresent metal t-shirts, and knowledge of what sort of music you listen to?

No reason to assume that because someone listens to emo and dresses the part, that there is nothing more to their persona.

If the country were to take a radical swing towards conservative Christianity and you found yourself on the receiving end of beatings from zealous meatheads, would you have been asking for it?
Lord Foul said:
Should I make assumptions about your personality based on your affectation of a bullet belt, a denim jacket with band patches, omnipresent metal t-shirts, and knowledge of what sort of music you listen to?

Everyone makes assumptions based on looks, so sure. I'm not condoning the beatings themselves, but you can't deny how goddamn funny they are.

AND if anyone starting ganging up on metalheads, we'd sure as shit find a way to defend ourselves.
No thank you :lol:

Although if you were referring the the youngest generation of kids/teenagers getting into metal in the past few years you would be more right.
I'm going to leave it as this:

You claim because they dress and act a certain way they "have it coming", but if you walked down Third Ward wearing all black, a bullet belt, and had your hair down you'd "have it coming" too, and I promise you if you were alone you'd get it within the hour. It's easy for most of you to laugh at this, most of you live in nice suburban neighborhoods and have never been jumped in your lives. Yes I say jumped because again, I promise you that's what happened to the emo kids. Mexicans don't believe in fair fights.

What happened down there was fucking childish, and one more reason for me to disassociate myself with "metalheads" and being "metal" in general. Grow up.
A lot of the girls on this board should (rightly!) take offence to that.
Stormo man, I'm not bashing you or anything but I wanted to point out that this sentence (among a few others of yours in the past) seems just a bit ironic to me, considering how fast you jump on others for "sucking up to the girls". Just sayin :)

Also, on topic... I wish people would beat up people that deserve to get beat up. Beating up an emo seems senseless no matter what, but at least make sure there's a fucking reason. Attire or hairstyles aren't one.
basically det som and Kevin nailed it.

If anyone wants to beat up someone, they should go after the gangsta kids, those are the worse ones and they start fights for no or bullshit reasons.
You shouldn't have typed that second sentence. That's exactly what I didn't mean.
I think you're all silly and that a good beating never harmed any emo beyond making them write more songs.