Anti-Emo Riots Break Out Across Mexico

I'd be grateful to have a girlfriend like that. At least I wouldn't have to worry about her cheating on or breaking up with me.
HA! That's naive! The clingy girls are very often the quickest to trade you for another guy! All they care about is not being ditched, but don't think for a second that they'd have qualms about ditching someone else for someone better/weaker/more malleable.

What I do know is I'd much prefer a nice emo girl to the average American female metalhead. A fat, foul mouthed, obnoxious, loud, smelly, hairy, disgusting bag of meat.
A lot of the girls on this board should (rightly!) take offence to that.

Also, beating up emos is nice. The Mexicans know the score.
HA! That's naive! The clingy girls are very often the quickest to trade you for another guy! All they care about is not being ditched, but don't think for a second that they'd have qualms about ditching someone else for someone better/weaker/more malleable.


A lot of the girls on this board should (rightly!) take offence to that.

But none of the girls on this board act like metalheads with the exception of Isabel, and thats certainly not to clump her into the aforementioned category. I'm referring to the ones I see at local shows.
He's probably saying you're not a filthy, stupid whore with emotional issues. He'd prefer one I guess?
I guess what I don't understand is how the other girls don't "act like metalheads." Isn't listening to metal acting like a metalhead?
Well, no, the stereotype is air-headed leg openers with STDs and a tendency to stray in relationships.
Hey, John wrote it like he was drunk. He said you're a metalhead type chick, but don't act in their stereotypical manner.
No, just teenage faggotry. Even the goths frown upon emos, because at least the goths are quiet most of the time, they speak in Vogon Poetry.