Anti-Emo Riots Break Out Across Mexico

i hope they were listening to CC on their headphones..

The team of Concrete Coffin has posted several tracks off the new album to be released by late 2008!!

Concrete Coffin also has a gig with Head on Collision and others at Fat City in SF on June 13th.

Concrete Coffin might also play the Tidal Wave festival this year along with Exodus and Death Angel all from the VH1 thrash metal documentary (
This is so slayer ripoff you'd probably assume it was them if you were half asleep and drunk. And had your head in a bucket of beer.
This is so slayer ripoff you'd probably assume it was them if you were half asleep and drunk. And had your head in a bucket of beer.

I thought it was more of "Such and Exodus ripoff that if you were drunk in a venue you'd think it was just another new Exodus lineup playing while extremely drunk."

Or just another Tankard clone.
I wholeheartedly agree with David on this one. There was an emo at school last week that started complaining about life, and how his mom doesn't let him wear girl's jeans. He started crying in the middle of the lunch room. My girlfriend who is a very compasionate and nice girl asked him what is wrong and he went on ranting of how his mother wants to take his sexuality away, because even if he is straight he is a bit more feminine and straight, and how society imposes standards of manliness and all that shit. And then a bunch of girls joined in feeling compassionate to this attention craving bastard. It is sad that they need that type of attention to make friends, but we have a therapist and a pshicologist in our school where he can seek help and not ruin everyone's day about it.

And, on the subject of being emo to get pussy... I would rather have the 'meat men of the board' gang rape in one night simultaneously than bang an emo chick.

and mexican metalheads are awesome, there are some at my school, but they are really shy with the non hispanics because they don't know english that well. I wish i could talk more to them, they are really cool dudes.
Some emo chicks are really doing the dirty and are very open (in every sense possible haha), which are basically the ones who just happen to be fashion victims and/or trend whores. What you really should keep the fingers off are these wannabe borderliners, they're absolutely unpredictable. It's so not worth it...
To make that clear: I was absolutely NOT talking about relationships. No sane straight manly being would get involved with that crap. Just uncomplicated fun. That's why I said "stay away from the (wannabe-)borderliners", chances are they make your life a living hell once you knocked them up (the kind of I-will-kill-me-if-you-leave-me bullshit).

Damn, I sound like an ass... but it's true.

Edit: And it's pretty horrible to see something like those riots happening in a western country in the 21st century. Especially metalheads and punks should know about the intolerance they had to face themselves a few decades ago... and even that hasn't completely vanished. I may not like the emo culture, but that's just stupid.
(the kind of I-will-kill-me-if-you-leave-me bullshit).

I'd be grateful to have a girlfriend like that. At least I wouldn't have to worry about her cheating on or breaking up with me.

Then again I'd be grateful for any girlfriend so my opinion doesn't count for much. What I do know is I'd much prefer a nice emo girl to the average American female metalhead. A fat, foul mouthed, obnoxious, loud, smelly, hairy, disgusting bag of meat.
Then again I'd be grateful for any girlfriend so my opinion doesn't count for much. What I do know is I'd much prefer a nice emo girl to the average American female metalhead. A fat, foul mouthed, obnoxious, loud, smelly, hairy, disgusting bag of meat.
man stop thinking that way. Just play it by ear and magic will happen. I was almost the same way 10 months ago, and then i met this girl and we are 9months into this awesome relationship.