Thinking about getting a fat, need some advice from the fat people


May 22, 2003
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So when I get into college I'm going to have my own small studio apartment and I'm pretty sure they allow pets so I was considering getting a fat since I figured it would be easier and more chill than a dog that would want to run around and shit outside and whatnot.

my question is what kind should I get? I was thinking a Scottish Fatty because they're cute and seem nice and don't have gigantic fur coats that I wouldn't be able to clean up after. I just want a cute fat that can chill and isn't going to be a ton of work to look after because I will have class and can't be around 24/7 obviously. I can feed it and take out litter and stuff but anything beyond that I don't really know what to do. Also, what kind of stuff would I need to get and how much does it cost? I don't have a ton of money but I figure I could afford a bed and something to scratch on and food but yeah that's probably it, should I wait until later if its really hard and expensive? I don't want to get a fatty that'll be a bro if I can't take good enough care of it obviously.
woulda been funnier if you took out the "a" before every fat.

"Thinking about getting fat..."

"They allow pets so I was thinking about getting fat..."
