Thinking about picking up a 5150

Seth Munson

How do Amber Lamps?
Dec 1, 2009
Colorado Springs
So today has started off pretty awesome

got a call from a band who wants me to do their pre production for an album, then pay my way to go out to Michigan to record it and kinda produce it with them, then play guitar for them on their tour and play cornerstone with them.

that got me stoked, but what got me even more stoked is the fact that I have a great excuse to buy myself a new amp for all of this :p

now I have been wanting a 5150 for the past couple of years or so.
I have played a couple 5150s and 5150ii when touring with my old band. This was before I got into recording and at the time was super medicated from surgeries and such so I dont remember the difference in sound between the two.

can you guys help me out and explain the differences between a 5150/5150ii/6505 and even a 6505+ (even tho i most likely wont get one)
and which one (if any) would benefit me the most for my studio?

thanks guys, sorry if the begining was a little OT :p
see i have played a couple of them, again when i was medicated and didnt know nearly as much as i do now.

but i do remember i hated it completely. haha
i guess i should give them another go.
Well maybe you judged them for the FENDER brand??

No really man.. the amp is really good, probably a future classic. So try it

i just used to be really closed minded when it came to amps. i remember hating ALOT of them cuz of shitty guitarists across the US dialing in horrible tones which made me want to chop my cock off.
hehe, i did have a good ear.

but i also thought i was at Hogwarts majority of the time. :lol:

this was me a couple weeks before touring


like i said, i was heavily medicated whenever i heard a new amp. so basically i had no idea how it "really" sounded

I will give it a shot tho! im kinda excited to hear it :)
5150/6505 have slightly less gain, and sound more open and less compressed (sorry for the sound-descriptive buzzwords).

5150 II / 6505+ are more compressed sounding and have slightly more gain. They seem to have a bit more high-mid presence (in my experience).

I've tried JJ and Ruby tubes in the power section of both amps, and prefer the JJs.

The 5150(both the block-letter and signature version) and 6505 are identical, except for the power tubes in some cases. The same goes for the 5150 II and 6505+.

I'll agree that the 5150 III is a great amp, but it's a different beast than the Peaveys, as well as a much more expensive amp. For metal/hard rock, I still prefer the Peavey heads.

Hope this helps.