Thinking of ditching my Firebox for an MBox 2 or Focusrite Saffire...


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I'm thinking of ditching my Presonus Firebox. I'd like to try Digital Performer since you guys reccomend it so highly, but the Presonus does not support it for some strange reason. They support everything else though.

I'm between the Mbox 2 or Saffire. The Mbox would be good so I can use Pro Tools, but it's USB and I prefer Firewire. The Saffire looks really nice, and I'd probably use Digital Performer with it. I'm thinking of picking up the Behringer Ultra Gain for extra inputs too. Right now all I do is fuck around with the Firebox in Garage Band.

Opinions?? Advice?? Thanks.

firewire is a plus for the obvious reasons, ( faster, higher sample rates and higher track count) I have no complaints with my mbox2 so far though... its been killer.... my pc runs it fantastic, you can really cover alot of ground with it, vocals, guitar tracking, bass tracking, Midi , and some drum stuff, if you get the 2 inputs going with a digital mic pre via spidf you'll have 4 inputs, Kick , snare, 2 overheads, or mono overhead and room mic or ect... with some outboard pre's good mics, good performances, good placement and an external converter it would be even better! Goodluck on your quest!
Well, the website says it's "not reccomended" to use as they say it doesn't run smoothly and that it's "in development". But if it runs fine for you cool, maybe I'll try it first.

I guess I should be asking, do you think it's worth going for the Saffire over the Firebox?? Also, if I buy that Behringer unit, how does it connect to the Firebox?? Thanks.

for what it's worth, I have the mBox 2, and it's great. only downside is the fact that there are only 2 inputs, so recording drums would involve another mixer, which would mean youd have to mix them perfectly before you record
If you're going to add additional preamps, I'd research the Studio Projects VTB-1 before going with the Behringer. It's an amazing little pre.
The Saffire is a good choice if you're unhappy with the Firebox; otherwise, you're only gaining two line inputs and some extra outputs- it depends whether or not you need the added functionality. The onboard pres on both units are comperable, and I think Presonus edges out Focusrite's platinum range by a small margin (just my opinion, though; they're close). If you're intent on using DP, then an upgrade may be necessary, but as far as upgrades go, I think it's a better idea to start at the beginning of the recording chain and work backwards (start with upgrading mics, then pres, then outboard/FX, and finally interface/DA/AD). It all depends on what other units offer that your Firebox doesn't. Hope that helps, or at least doesn't complicate things further. :)