Thinking of giving up breathing...


Jan 23, 2006
Central Valley, CA
Seriously, I spend a huge chunk of my life breathing, but lately it's not satisfying me like it used to. I'm thinking of just quitting altogether. What do you guys think?


Edit: crap, this belongs in the OT Tavern. Sorry.
I think you should just stick to breathing in first.. forget about breathing out for a while, give that a rest and then after 6 months or so.. do them both again, see if satisfies you.
good decision. i read that breathing is directly related to crime, as it is proven that all criminals breathed.
I tried just now to give it up and I have another problem.

I think I'm addicted.

Seriously, I couldn't even go a minute without breathing. Now I'm kind of freaked out.
I hear ya, breathing is really just a waste of time. I've switched to water a few months ago, really helped me out.
Now I have a drowning problem but that's okay, I can live with it. Next month I'm going to the waterboarding championships, maybe I can get myself a medal there :heh:
Don't bother. I've already tried this many times and have failed. You will essentially decide to stop breathing, and after a while, your body goes into what seems to be a detox. At that point you pass out. When you wake, you'll be breathing again. It's futile.
as much as I think this thread is kinda funny it still reminds me too much of the HCAF parody threads... (whenever a regular topic is opened at least 3 parody threads arise)

HCAF took it so far that 80% of the threads are about anything but amps....
I feel like the last man standing, but I'd be happy if we'd keep that attitude out of this forum, or could at least transfer it to the off-topic tavern.


seriously......damnit, this forum is about production and I've learned fuckloads here, made good connections etc....PLEASE don't let the quality degrade to Harmony central level!!!!

if you think you're not having an interesing production related topic AT LEAST move it into the OT section!!!


you may be new, but this is NOT how this forum works........

sorry for the hard words
as much as I think this thread is kinda funny it still reminds me too much of the HCAF parody threads... (whenever a regular topic is opened at least 3 parody threads arise)

HCAF took it so far that 80% of the threads are about anything but amps....
I feel like the last man standing, but I'd be happy if we'd keep that attitude out of this forum, or could at least transfer it to the off-topic tavern.


seriously......damnit, this forum is about production and I've learned fuckloads here, made good connections etc....PLEASE don't let the quality degrade to Harmony central level!!!!

if you think you're not having an interesing production related topic AT LEAST move it into the OT section!!!


you may be new, but this is NOT how this forum works........

sorry for the hard words


Except I'm not catching the humor at all...
Allthough i agree Lasse, i must say that would this have been in the offtopic forum, there should be no problem.
Problem with harmony central is that there is only forum that really matters.. amps, and if you want to talk amps there you will have to plough through 80% of BS first.. it's different over here.

however, agreed.. move this to the offtopic lounge i say!
Allthough i agree Lasse, i must say that would this have been in the offtopic forum, there should be no problem.
Problem with harmony central is that there is only forum that really matters.. amps, and if you want to talk amps there you will have to plough through 80% of BS first.. it's different over here.

however, agreed.. move this to the offtopic lounge i say!

I mean...I've started so many bullshit htreads myself.... in the OTT ;)

.. it's different over here. far