Third Round Pool B: Best Two

Third Round Pool B: Best Two

  • Total voters


Mar 3, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Okay, the second round is over. The quantity of songs have been reduced to 12.
Next is the second pool of 4 songs which survived the second round. Which pair of songs do you prefer on POOL B.
Remember to vote with the buttons. Comments are appreciated but I count only the votes on the poll.
After the third round, we will be down to 6 songs.

01) April Ethereal - The Moor
02) April Ethereal - White Cluster
03) April Ethereal - Bleak
04) The Moor - White Cluster
05) The Moor - Bleak
06) White Cluster - Bleak

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I thought before voting that this was getting tougher. To my surprise a lot of people took the same decision I finally took: moor ethereal
Hey Guys,

Round 3 is going slowly but surely. Preliminary results shows that the Moor :worship: and April Ethereal :rock: are taking a serious option to move up.
Results shows also that White Cluster is working on making sure that it will not. :blush:
Monumental songs like Blackwater Park and Deliverance are in trouble and may very well miss the boat if not more supported. :OMG:

This being said, PLEASE USE THE VOTING BUTTONS for your votes since those are the one I will use to determine the songs making it to the fourth round. I'm not counting the "write in votes". You have until Monday, September 20th at 10h00pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time to submit your votes. Afterwards, were going into Round 4 with the top 6 songs.

Cheers! :kickass:
:( I'm almost alone with my opinion.
White Cluster is awesome, in fact IMHO one of the most underrated Opeth songs, and yesterday I almost had an orgasm to Bleak.
Oh yeah, am I the only one who thinks that April Ethereal sounds just like it could appear on Borknagar's The Olden Domain album?