this article angers me


Oct 4, 2007

To me this is what is wrong with the state of heavy metal in the US. The perception that the old stuff can never be touched and that bands should just stop making new music. I really want to fire off something to this guy, and in truth I did once, but I forgot to the do the security thing and lost it. What do you guys think about what he has to say? I figured if I was going to share this anywhere, this is the right place.

Yeah, El Dorado is not the best Maiden song...but their singles (aside from The Wicker Man) have been the weakest songs on the CD's since Bruce came back for BNW. I mean this guys attitude is insulting to me. I read this as, heavy metal bands were only good in the 80's and they should just give it up because they are has beens who can't write good material anymore. :loco:

While I don't agree with the article, it isn't necessarily that bad as you're making it. He must be an old-school fan who would prefer to see Maiden repeating its Number of the Beast tour over and over and over again. He didn't like El Dorado, doesn't care for the new material and he is giving his opinion. To me, he's not giving us the "general perception of heavy metal in the US" like you're saying. It seems that he's just giving his perception.

There's plenty of people out there who are devoted Maiden fans and probably agree with him. Hell, there's even some on this forum who are such devoted Maiden fans that they have the balls to tell the others, who're not so passionate about the band that they're wrong in their opinions, which in my opinion is such a jerk thing to do. ("If you don't think Maiden is good, you're wrong" or "If you don't like Maiden, your taste is wrong"... jerks...)

In my opinion, you're just getting too offended over something that's small. Plus, it won't get you anywhere sending this guy a rant. At the end of the day, he's entitled to his opinion just as much as you're entitled to yours. How much a person accepts or respects another people's opinions, however, is a whole different story.
Frankly, I'm inclined to agree with that guy. There are some long-running rock artists out there with whom releasing new albums looks like they're just going through the motions, ho hum, because that's their job. I'd still get excited about seeing them live but I don't see the point of new albums. However, I don't really consider Maiden to be on my list.
i agree with him on many points, and the article isn't that bad. he is obviously a fan and truly isn't bashing them other than that the song stinks and that the set will feature too much new stuff. i think the the song stinks too as do the last two albums. i mean i am not saying they shouldn't try doing new songs, i have just found i don't really like their new material that much and why waste my time and money listening to Maiden albums i don't enjoy when i could have the other albums on repeat. :)
I think that's what kills me. Maiden of all bands have not lost it, but there are many bands that have. Picking on a band that still makes good music though...

I mean old Maiden Cd's were not perfect either, but Maiden has at least been consistent. And how many singers that are as old as Bruce can still hit those notes? Don't worry about my firing off the reply though, as I lost it and through writing it and posting this, I don't really care as much.
The same questions come up when people talk about Dream Theater. Most of the old school fans just want to see the same older songs every time around. I personally enjoy some of their newer songs just as much, if not more than the older Dream Theater songs, but there will always be those fans who define a band by their first few releases, and if their newer ones aren't like the old ones, then well they're just terrible.

The guy in the article is stating his opinion. Nothing more. I can't really agree or disagree with his opinion though since I'm one of those fans who don't really care for Iron Maiden.
I read this as, heavy metal bands were only good in the 80's and they should just give it up because they are has beens who can't write good material anymore.
I agree with the article; most 80s Metal bands should stop writing music. 95% of the time, it only serves to soil their legacy.

What percentage of people at a Maiden show, would you guess, want to hear post-1988 material over pre-1988 material? 1%?

As the writer states, the reality is Maiden would be drawing no fewer people to their shows, if they hadn't released the entire second half of their discography. Look at it this way; if Maiden did a greatest hits tour where they played 25 songs selected by their fans, how many songs from No Prayer for the Dying through The Final Frontier would make that cut? Probably only two ("The Clansman" and "No Fear of the Dark"). How about the same vote, but this time the Top 50 songs? Probably only the same two. What does that say about how their last eight CDs stack up against their first seven?
I agree with the article; most 80s Metal bands should stop writing music. 95% of the time, it only serves to soil their legacy.

Except that most bands in the genre don't want to be the metal equivalent of REO Speedwagon. I bet most bands still want to write new music and put out more albums and tour on those albums. They'd probably rather do that than play "Number Of The Beast" or "Run To The Hills" a million times.

What percentage of people at a Maiden show, would you guess, want to hear post-1988 material over pre-1988 material? 1%?

The real question is, who wants to hear some of each? I raise my hand.

As the writer states, the reality is Maiden would be drawing no fewer people to their shows, if they hadn't released the entire second half of their discography. Look at it this way; if Maiden did a greatest hits tour where they played 25 songs selected by their fans, how many songs from No Prayer for the Dying through The Final Frontier would make that cut? Probably only two ("The Clansman" and "No Fear of the Dark"). How about the same vote, but this time the Top 50 songs? Probably only the same two. What does that say about how their last eight CDs stack up against their first seven?

Only because the more casual of fans probably haven't bought anything since "Fear Of The Dark" and don't know much about the new stuff. They might not care either. That doesn't make it substandard or less than what they were doing in their heyday.
Except that most bands in the genre don't want to be the metal equivalent of REO Speedwagon. I bet most bands still want to write new music and put out more albums and tour on those albums. They'd probably rather do that than play "Number Of The Beast" or "Run To The Hills" a million times.

The real question is, who wants to hear some of each? I raise my hand.

Only because the more casual of fans probably haven't bought anything since "Fear Of The Dark" and don't know much about the new stuff. They might not care either. That doesn't make it substandard or less than what they were doing in their heyday.

I agree. If it wasn't for my hearing The Wicker Man on VH1 of all things and reading a review in Entertainment Weekly (of all things) where they gave Brave New World a solid B+ and said "these old timers could show the newbies a thing or two", then I still would only like a handful of Maiden songs. Brave New World is my favorite Maiden album, to me it's perfect...I don't want to skip any songs. I have listened to older Maiden albums and they are not as good to me. I prefer progressive Maiden over older Maiden. That is not to say I don't like their older stuff, because I do...but Brave New World was what got me into Maiden in the first place. So, you can imagine my delight when they played 4 songs off of it. And wasnt' AMOLD critically acclaimed...I remember a lot of comments saying it was their best album since SSOASS when it came out. Now all of sudden all i'm hearing is bashing...guess that's in fashion now.
Look at it this way; if Maiden did a greatest hits tour where they played 25 songs selected by their fans, how many songs from No Prayer for the Dying through The Final Frontier would make that cut? Probably only two ("The Clansman" and "No Fear of the Dark"). How about the same vote, but this time the Top 50 songs? Probably only the same two. What does that say about how their last eight CDs stack up against their first seven?

I might be heavily biased on this subject for "fanboy" reasons, but I think you might be underestimating Iron Maiden fans. Especially the young ones.

I mean aren't they just now doing a tour with 80% material released the last 10 yrs and still drawing huge crowds?
Except that most bands in the genre don't want to be the metal equivalent of REO Speedwagon. I bet most bands still want to write new music and put out more albums and tour on those albums. They'd probably rather do that than play "Number Of The Beast" or "Run To The Hills" a million times.
I'm sure that's true. However, my comment wasn't about what Maiden wants to do. I'm sure they want to create new music. My point was merely that the the premise of the article was on the money.

The real question is, who wants to hear some of each? I raise my hand.
In my list of 25, I also included some of each... two to be precise. If you're suggesting you want half their set to be dedicated to post 7Soa7S material, that's fine. However, that would put you squarely in the minority.

Only because the more casual of fans probably haven't bought anything since "Fear Of The Dark" and don't know much about the new stuff. They might not care either. That doesn't make it substandard or less than what they were doing in their heyday.
I'm not judging their newer material as substandard based on what casual fans think. Quite frankly, I don't judge music based on the opinions of others. I'm judging it as substandard based on what I think. The fact that nearly all the hardcore Maiden fans that I know agree with my assessment, leads me to believe I'm not far off.
I might be heavily biased on this subject for "fanboy" reasons, but I think you might be underestimating Iron Maiden fans. Especially the young ones.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Care to elaborate?

I mean aren't they just now doing a tour with 80% material released the last 10 yrs and still drawing huge crowds?
And what percentage leave disappointed in the set list? Do you really think most people want to go to a Maiden show and hear six tracks (from the new disc) that they've never heard before?

People go see Maiden because it's Maiden. Regardless of what they play, they put on a great show. However, simply because they get away with it, doesn't mean it's what the fans actually want.
maybe its because i wasnt alive for the 80's and an infant for most of the 90's...but i still fail to see how an album like DOD is a disappointment, or really, AMOLAD as well.

i feel like the disappointment (some which i will concede is warranted) from albums like npftd, virtual xi, x-factor (and for some reason fotd that i dont agree with, i love that album. and most stuff of npftd as well for that matter) has just been carried over to the past 3 albums as well.

idk...if bnw, dod, and amolad came after seventh son i feel like there wouldn't be nearly as much complaint about new maiden. i thought all those 3 albums were great...though ill admit AMOLAD was not up to the quality i thought dod/bnw were...but still solid.

I might be heavily biased on this subject for "fanboy" reasons, but I think you might be underestimating Iron Maiden fans. Especially the young ones.
i tend to agree with this; im one of them.

i also disagree with the writer saying maiden didnt need to release the second half of their discography.
it may not have been essential...but being a younger fan and knowing the mindset and development as a fan of many of "us" younger fans who don't really share the drastic change of passion from maiden's early career to their recent, the major break through I think we all can admit they finally achieved with the young American metal audience from BNW on would not have happened without that material, which i still firmly believe is very solid.

just my opinion
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Care to elaborate?

I mean as far as what Maiden fans want to hear live and how many actually appreciate the last 3 albums (like the younger fans). Judging from the last 5 yrs of tours their setlist has been very well rounded.

And what percentage leave disappointed in the set list? Do you really think most people want to go to a Maiden show and hear six tracks (from the new disc) that they've never heard before?

People go see Maiden because it's Maiden. Regardless of what they play, they put on a great show. However, simply because they get away with it, doesn't mean it's what the fans actually want.

I have zero data on percentages and since there is none any assumption that fans leave disappointed or not should be treated the same, as assumptions. 6 tracks from the new disc? I though they're just playing El Dorado?

People go see Maiden because it's Maiden. Regardless of what they play, they put on a great show. However, simply because they get away with it, doesn't mean it's what the fans actually want.

I wish people would go see Maiden for just being Maiden, but every tour I get into the same argument (maybe I need to stop, lol)
This is exactly what I want to hear, last tour they played mainly stuff from SSOASS and before. Before the AMOLAD tour they did stuff from their first 4 albums only.
There's an established formula for this kind of thing. You play 3-4 newer songs to expose the fans to the new album and the rest of the set is made up of the songs people love and what brought them to the arena in the first place. Every other band seems to have figured this out. I'm excited to be seeing Maiden again, but my excitement level dropped significantly when I saw that setlist. I like their new albums, but they're not good enough to warrant 75-80% of the setlist.
I'll be seeing IRON MAIDEN for the ninth time next month and I fucking love the setlist! I've heard all of the moldy oldies and of course I love them because I was there back in the day. The first time I saw them was in 1987. But, it's nice now to shake it up and hear some different tunes.
Frankly, I'm inclined to agree with that guy. There are some long-running rock artists out there with whom releasing new albums looks like they're just going through the motions, ho hum, because that's their job. I'd still get excited about seeing them live but I don't see the point of new albums. However, I don't really consider Maiden to be on my list.

I have to say i agree with the article to. If I was going to see Maiden I'd want to see them play 85% of the songs from their days of Killers to Seventh Son...In my opinion the last several albums have paled in comparison and I wouldn't even touch anything they did with Blaze.
I mean as far as what Maiden fans want to hear live and how many actually appreciate the last 3 albums (like the younger fans).
I couldn't speak to what the younger fans like best. Nor could I speak to what percentage of Maiden's typical concert audience is made up of this group.

Judging from the last 5 yrs of tours their setlist has been very well rounded.
I suspect it's well rounded, because they want it to be. Let's face it, Maiden can be a bit self-indulgent. I mean, playing AMoLaD, in it's entirety? Come on now. It's a good disc. It doesn't warrant being played from beginning to end, in order.

6 tracks from the new disc? I though they're just playing El Dorado?
I thought I read on a friend's FB status that they played six. I could be wrong.
I couldn't speak to what the younger fans like best. Nor could I speak to what percentage of Maiden's typical concert audience is made up of this group.

Without exact numbers neither could I but I am always shocked at the amount of kids at Maiden shows, especially for bands of that age.

I thought I read on a friend's FB status that they played six. I could be wrong.

This is the setlist:
The Wicker Man
Ghost Of The Navigator
El Dorado
Paschendale - Dance of Death (they alternate each show)
The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg
These Colours Don't Run
Blood Brothers
Wildest Dreams
No More Lies
Brave New World
Fear Of The Dark
Iron Maiden

The Number of the Beast
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Running Free

Let's face it, Maiden can be a bit self-indulgent. I mean, playing AMoLaD, in it's entirety? Come on now.

I was waiting for that one. :loco:
I have to say i agree with the article to. If I was going to see Maiden I'd want to see them play 85% of the songs from their days of Killers to Seventh Son...In my opinion the last several albums have paled in comparison and I wouldn't even touch anything they did with Blaze.

Did you catch 'em on the last tour?