this bands awsome (MURDREAD)

Bold statement! Mmm hmm, we shall see. I will return with my findings.

Well, I can't say I was disappointed since I didn't expect much at all (despite your words). The guy definitely has chops indeed, but I wasn't too impressed by the actual solo... I mean, when you've seen Allan Holdsworth and the boys play, you get a bit jaded (enlightened? :) ). Oh, and there wasn't much musicality in the solo either. It was all very standard by-the-book shredding.

But yeah, he's got a lot of the technique down. Still, there are tons of guitarists like him all over the globe, all unknown.
yawn, typical post you too. play by the rules of tonality. "oh this isnt cool based on the rules of tonal hierarchy." who gives a crap.

Taedium Vitae said:
Oh, and there wasn't much musicality in the solo either. It was all very standard by-the-book shredding.

haha the video is funny at least.
decent thrashy death. i could careless about the solo, im more interested riffs.
At whom is your post aimed? I'm having trouble deciphering it.

"typical post you too" doesn't really mean anything. Did you mean "typical posts, you two"?
"play by the rules of tonality." Who is this directed at?
What's "tonal hierarchy"?
ya dude serously and stop bagging on everybody that even posts something surpersonicrobotic. it seems in every post your always trying to offend somebody