This board is full of flaming idiots

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Seriously, guys, I don't know how the fuck the band puts up with it. If it's not the fucking raving fanboyism it's the pictures of shit nobody cares about, or the retarded guitar duels between guys who wish they were Jeff Loomis, then it's "HAY WUTS UR FAVRIET SONG ON DED HART" thread #25454565436456743.

Has the board always been like this and I just didn't realize it until the past year, or did we get a sudden influx of stupid while I was off playing Warcraft and writing?

This place would be terrible without me. You're lucky neal is such a sexy bitch, or I'd be gone already.
When I heard the words "Drama" and "Start", I was expecting a thread about how James is carrying David's baby...

*ninja edit*
i THINK ITS NUTS that we can discuss whatever...I suppose its got to do with the easrern board usa states, AND WE are all retards, and so what, startt your own board and toss your meat....thrash kid...i post cool info for you all
But I do agree with Reuben. This board has become infested with moronic statements, questions, and fanboyism. Each and every one of these new users to the board, who fit into this category, shall be sterilized.
I think you all need to calm down and realize its not *YOUR* board
and new people will always come here no matter what you have to say about it..
On the same note, pyrus, my j00 bro, I'll pretand your original post was
not directed at me :cool: :kickass:
I love some of you people, and yes, I know change is inevitable but yeah, this board is increasingly like the COB board every day. Reuben is right. I come back here to see some old friends and out of a sense of nostalgia and cause I like the band, not cause I want to read the 473rd "Why doesn't Nevermore play a headlining set in my backyard" thread. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Why do you think the remaining veterans try to drive the new kids that do that out? I hate that people I spoke to for years on this board just leave without so much as a goodbye or explanation and get replaced by fresh posters that just want to do nothing but talk about the band. The charm of our board is that we DON'T stick to discussing the band.