this clip deserves it's own thread!

I'm not trying to join the pointless Coast vs Coast war, just sayin'....there are morons everywhere. And yes, Heartless Name, that includes Canada. :Smug:
I've met some dumb fucks in Canada, but not any as ignorant to not know when 9/11 happened. If the bitch lived i Texas, maybe then ok, so far away, got the dates confused, etc... HOW CAN YOU LIVE IN NY STATE AND NOT KNOW WHEN 9/11 HAPPENED!? That's like living in Japan in 1952 and saying "HUR DUR WHEN DID THE A-BOMB GET DROPPED ON US????"

Seriously man, the dumb people here aren't ignorant. They're just stupid. There's a difference between stupid and ignorant.

I know and I agree. But it just so happens that the vast majority of retards reside here in our own country.

Well I can't really judge the whole country I've only been to 4 cities in the US. But fuck sakes man, what the fuck. Please NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF ROCHESTER AND ANY CITY SIMILAR TO IT. For the sake of your nation, you must do this.
Hey, we're still a little bit smarter than most of Africa!

Actually, a lot of Africans speak 2 or more languages. Only the poverty stricken, AIDS spreading, violent tribesmen are beneath you, the average African actually could be above the average American based on what is available to them and how much they gain from it. Africans have little available, they work hard for shit pay to afford to go to school which they first have to learn French/English so they can communicate with the masses to be able to go to said school and advance their lives. Most Americans have free schools available, they already know the language and they don't give a shit.
You'll find it is much like 1970's England
