My Nevermore review....Hey Nicodemx good luck buddy!

Nevermore "Enemies of Reality"

Century Media

Ok. I will be completely honest with you. I used to do something very, very wrong. I used to bag the ever-living shit out of Nevermore just based on one song I had heard on a compilation. I thought Warrel Dane's vocals were, um, the most uncomforting noise I had ever heard. And I remembered Sanctuary, the band he led a long time ago. I never liked them, either.

I have this new habit of hearing bands on Rapture Radio and saying, “Wow! That shit is good!” I kept hearing this song on the station and going, “Holy fried frog balls! That guitar player rips my ass to pieces. I have to check this band out.” I kept hearing it, never taking the time to see who it was, until one day I could not take it anymore. By this time I had the song memorized and "Inside Four Walls" had corrupted my mind. I hated the pro-drug lyrics and still do. As a matter of fact, that is the only thing about this band I cannot stand anymore, is the ridiculous message they stand for. But you know I am not a rock star, so I cannot jump up and down and scream, “Fuck Reality!”

When I realized who it was, I was like, "Oh Fuck!” because I knew now I had to listen to this whole album and all of their albums. It took about two spins of this disc to realize god damn--Nevermore is incredible! I think the most amazing thing to me is the absence of a “sound.” They just sound like no one else, and do a great job of it. And man, let me tell ya. If you like a shredding guitar, you’re gonna have a pulsating penis!

This record is an incredible piece of material with each song being better than the last, and the replay value is top notch!

I have now overcome my white-hot hatred of Warrel Dane. But I have to be honest and tell you I laughed like a little girl when I heard Billy Milano beat his ass.

Ok. These guys kick my ass with every listen.
you did a poor job of describing the music, opting out adjectives and comparisons to talk about genitalia.

However, I think its a good thing that you have finally discovered the spell check in Microsoft Word.
I actually have an editor.Yup I am that lame.I do not understand why people always want the decription of the buzz on the A string during the portion 1:27-2:04,I think explaning that the band has made an amazing influence on me and saying that I have gone from a white hot hatred to loving this band is a pretty shining endorsment.And also saying they have a sound all their own might be a a clue to saying it is something I cannot explain.
But I guess I was looking for comments and I can always count on you buddy!Thanks
If you need an editor for something that length, buy the bullet and rent the gun.

Learn to type retard. It's a life skill if you're going to be a damn WRITER.
Still a totally miminalist description. What do we know about the music?
•Warrel Dane's voice annoyed you
•Pro-drug lyrics
•"Absence of a sound"–what the FUCK is that supposed to mean? Every band has a sound; you probably mean uniqueness. Either that or your CD is broken and doesn't make any noise.
•Shredding guitar
•You laugh at Warrel's pain.

Totally devoid of objectivity and low on professionalism, and Jesus Q. Christ, I can't even tell what album you're reviewing! No specifics, no tracks, nothing at all about what Nevermore sounds like as a band besides "incredible."

You're just some dude with a opinion and an inability to back it up. It's sad who they'll sell webspace to these days.
Saturaya morning...Canada is hot, Profanitit is right again ?_?-?
People have the right to judge... for eg. Rupture Radio
Sounds good with the volume turned down:
:pyrus Knows the language....hence the cut down to westjack-


"I pretty much agree with your review"
I agree with inbreeding sea-monkeys and powdered toast
I agree with the guy who walks around with a spinning stone wheel to sharpen knives
I agree with palimony....(singing) ahhh spinning wheel keep on turnin'
Palimony cheques stop coming.rolling ,rolling rolling on a sharp knive
Rollin' rollin rolling in the free cash,rommin' rommin for some new gash hahaha


Carry On
metalskater7 said:
hatred for WD?
you need help
and fuck billy milano....right up his already widened wigger asshole

no shit, what kind of a fuckhead sucker punches someone that weighs 200 lbs less than them and then lies about it
So can someone answer a question for me?You all like Metal right You listen to Metal and Rapture plays Metal so why would Rapture sound better turned down?Why would you treat me like I am the enemy when I play music on a radio station I pay for out of my pocket so that underground bands can get support and exposure and I also play all of the big name acts so people might discover them as well(This actually happens)I am not looking for a fucking cookie but dont treat me like an asshole when I am doing what I do to actually support the scene its not like I am here trying to fuck with people.I spend alot of money and time doin this so everyone can enjoy the best music around so please do me a favor and stop being pricks!

If you prove willing to take shit from people, then they will give it to you time and again. Don't let them.Pyus we have already been over this!Do I need to remind you?
Lets try all getting along (holy fuck I sound like a hippy!)
I meant let the verbal razor slice...but with letters ?
Fuck im bored and boring ..FUCK

Thanks Pyrus
hows school going?
wesjaques said:
So can someone answer a question for me?You all like Metal right You listen to Metal and Rapture plays Metal so why would Rapture sound better turned down?Why would you treat me like I am the enemy when I play music on a radio station I pay for out of my pocket so that underground bands can get support and exposure and I also play all of the big name acts so people might discover them as well(This actually happens)I am not looking for a fucking cookie but dont treat me like an asshole when I am doing what I do to actually support the scene its not like I am here trying to fuck with people.I spend alot of money and time doin this so everyone can enjoy the best music around so please do me a favor and stop being pricks!

If you prove willing to take shit from people, then they will give it to you time and again. Don't let them.Pyus we have already been over this!Do I need to remind you?

Props for paying for the music. I'd have to go and look at your playlists, see what you're doing. have to PICK and CHOOSE your battles. Everything seems to be a battle to you. When you IGNORE the criticism, and are at the level of "above" means you know your opinions are valid. Then, if your opinion is valid, and worthy....YOU DO NOT NEED TO DEFEND IT.

Think about it. Sometimes, you're wrong. And then you admit it. That makes everything else seem that much more valid. If you're right, quietly stand behind it. Take you slams and ignore them. Take your props just as graciously.

FYI...props for paying for the music you're playing. But, please consider contacting labels for support. It's very wise to have many different promo's sent to you. From there you can really play some wide variety.