haha this is hilarious.
Sen. Santorum says priestly pedophilia is rooted in culture of academic liberalism ...
"It is startling that those in the media and academia appear most disturbed by this aberrant behavior, since they have zealously promoted moral relativism by sanctioning "private" moral matters such as alternative lifestyles. Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm."
yes, that's right....academics FORCE priests into a career of boy fondling...jesus christ, the Catholic Church made it a practice to hire only men who could actually think they could be celibate, which is inherently against nature...and they've been around for about a thousand years longer than boston. these people are so stupid, it makes me think of the old Bruce Cockburn (appropriate surname, that) song that went, "If I had a rocket launcher, some son-of-a-bitch would die."