lizard said:
Tully, you have a point....up to a point. but Iraq's religion is fundamentally opposed to civil rights. I'm no expert on Islam although I did study it for a year way back in college. Christianity is a bastion of respect and dignity for women, compared to Islam.

Well, the Bible isn't exactly a book of womens-rights, as Im sure you know, but modern-interpretation of it has mostly cancelled out the anti-feminine aspects. In Iraq they have literally just started to try to look past the Qu'ran's definition of femininity...somthing that took hundreds of years for Christianity (I think...).

EDIT: I do realize its a bit more extreme in Islamic culture, but I think that is mostly if not all in carrying-out of religious rules, as apposed to what each religion presents as rules.
I guess what I'm saying is that this administration tries to view every issue and every other society through its own born again glasses, and that creates fundamental you analyze calculus with geometry principles? would you want a nigerian to become president and begin proclaiming how its going to be here based on his culture? I'm no anti-semite, but our neocon strategy of democratizing the middle east was formulated by born again christians and american jews, and I haven't seen the least indication that we've made any real effort to see these people on their own terms, much less that there are at least three separate and distinct belief systems over there, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds.
lizard said:
I guess what I'm saying is that this administration tries to view every issue and every other society through its own born again glasses, and that creates fundamental you analyze calculus with geometry principles? would you want a nigerian to become president and begin proclaiming how its going to be here based on his culture? I'm no anti-semite, but our neocon strategy of democratizing the middle east was formulated by born again christians and american jews, and I haven't seen the least indication that we've made any real effort to see these people on their own terms, much less that there are at least three separate and distinct belief systems over there, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds.
Well said. While I don't think that anything we do, will appease the extremists, I don't believe we'll ever make any progress in the middle east until we're willing to deal with Jews and Muslims equally.

One Inch Man said:
When did this country get so god damn uptight about everything? Fucking get over it America. :rolleyes:

Meh, one of these days when America's gettin some head from Mexico and she slips it the finger, America will no longer be homophobic. I don't know where I'm going with this, it's just cool to think about big maps giving oral.