This Forum Is Dead!

Not too bad no, there were only really 2 answers on there, the 'i dont have a fav' rant or the fan kid responce.
I just stay away from threads like that on account of them making me lose the will to live. Hahaha.
God damn im tired, :(.

Shame really.
I blame doobiedoo. Doobie killed the forum.
Doobie and his elitist attitude, :O.
Not accepting the new album and sticking to the old one with blind faith that something will be released in the future to outdo its awesomeness.
Nobody else is doing this.....heh, :P.

I think there is more said of turisas in my forum these days. lol.

well, we could do some advertising in popular forums, to attract horny 16 year olds, posers, and very dumb people in general... then we BASH THEM!

(you could post nude pics to spice things up a little as well...)

camp nou screams: BOOOOOOOOOH!

I think when Turisas get more popular than they already are :kickass:, we will see a boost in the number of people who come on here.