This Forum Is Dead!

Right. Anyone know any Turisas fans? Then get them up on here!

This forum should be active, given how many fans the band has.

And if the old forum was active, why not get some of those users on here?
I do not know, if the old users of forum was told of the move. I think that it was not necessary. Anyone that access turisas site will be redirected to this new forum. We do not have problem of missing people. We have only few posts. :)
If you want to talk with people about Turisas, I'd suggest Turisas go with PhpBB or VBulletin and get their own original forum. If not, Last.FM is always available.
seriously though, the site needs something to make people come, like a videodiary of the band, or just some dam interviews or a questions to the band section. its time for the bad to do more stuff for the site