This forum is so much better....

kellver said:
I like this forum bar better than the Iron Maiden official forum on their webpage. It's full of Euros going on and on about great Virtual X1 and X Factor were. Many seem to think they are Maiden's finest efforts, better than Killers, NOB, and Peace of Mind. Europeans have weird tastes, I guess, in music. If they feel X Factor and X1 were the greatest Maiden albums, that explains why David Hasselhoff has sold so many CD's across the pond! :ill:

tsssk...Ever heard of the new wave of British heavy metal? Bands like Maiden, Priest, Saxon, Raven etc etc played for big sold out venues when you guys were still listening to REO Speedwanker etc etc:cool:
Another reason why I like it on here so much is b/c, the members of The Iron Maidens come on here regularly and talk, and already, I have gotten to know Linda pretty good.

I have never seen anyone from MAIDEN, themselves to ever come on the Official MAIDEN messageboard before.

People say that Janick comes on there once in a blue moon, but I have never seen him on there if he ever did.
Godda say,

I've bin a member of Iron Maidens board for month now and have only posted once. Most of the discussions just don't interest me for the reasons already given above. My dear friends in the former colonies, you're right about the europeans.......................
Not only do the ladies take an active interest in the board, but they are friendly and down to earth, and are just as big fans of Maiden and music in general as we are, if not more so. I love it here, which was why I was so frustrated when I forgot my password for my old account here and couldn;t get it back.

But that couldn;t keep me down for long.. muahaha...