So we have already a few musicians to do this.

There's a lot of talking but no action!:goggly:

This can work if well organized and if everybody involved is really ready to do it!?!
So as I mentioned before the best way is that you sent me your ideas and riffs so I plan the all thing otherwise it ends to nowhere like before that someone came up with the idea but it simply vanished in thin air!:)

I don't want to be pretentious but when there's a lot of people involved there's always the need for a "leader" otherwise is total anarchy.

What do you guys think about it?!:u-huh:
That's a start.
you've got some cool riffs that we can use.

but the idea here is to do a REAL recording! no mp3 mixes.
Everything must be well recorded; the guitars must be recorded with split signals, (for reamping if necessary) and the bass too.
I'm recording drums at 48khz/24 bit. So let's keep it this way.
I'm not sure about the guitar tuning yet but for a thrash/death sound It must be heavy as hell!!!
Maybe in B or A# not decided yet

For now all we need is a "scratch" to start with so it can be in mp3 format just for the composition of the track. The quality of sound is not important
I'm in for guitar solos mostly. I dowloaded the clepsidra files and the prog and ref riffs sound good.
why 48kHz?
are you making a DVD out of this project?

it seems 44.1kHz would be smaller(easier to dl) and would be best for anyone wanting this on a cd afterward
no no
i just wanna to care your and my traffic
yes-the recorded guitar tracks ill upload in 24/48 but the drums that you have in same good quality may upload to me in mp3 for lower traff:) sorry:)

mr nine
are you mix it all shit?:)

a! can we record the guitars in drop to C?
yes-as MR NINE upload on our good FTP the drums
ill record guitars and you're all welcome to add some death prog thrash of yours:rock: